Vital Automated Testing Interview Preparation Guide
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Automated Testing frequently Asked Questions by expert members with experience in Automated Testing. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job test and quickly revise the concepts

39 Automated Testing Questions and Answers:

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Vital  Automated Testing Job Interview Questions and Answers
Vital Automated Testing Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Tell me what type of Scenarios can be automated?

Tests that we have to execute on every build (Sanity Tests)
Tests that we have to execute on every modified build (Regression Tests)
Tests that we have to execute with multiple sets of test data (Data
driven Tests)

2 :: What type of Scenarios can’t be automated?

Tests that require human user observation
Tests that requires one time execution

3 :: Who uses QTP Tool?

HP- QuickTest Professional is an Industry leading Functional &
Regression Test tool and it supports advanced keyword driven test approach.

Automatio Testers and End users use QTP Tool

5 :: What are the important operations in Database Testing?

Data Integrity,
Data Manipulations,
Data Comparisons,
Data Retrieval,
Data back-up and recovery operations etc...

6 :: What are different coverages in Function Testing?

Verifying the Functionality (external behavior) of a component or System

i) Input Domain Coverage

Verifying weather the system is accepting valid inputs or not? And
preventing invalid inputs or not

ii) Output Domain Coverage

Verifying weather the System is providing correct Outputs or not, based
on input and process

iii) Database Testing

Verifying the data validations, data storage and data retrieval operations

iv) Error handling

Verifying how the system is handling user unathurized/invalid operations
and providing error and help messages.

v) Order of functionalities
Verifying weather the System is providing correct order of
functionalities or not

7 :: Do you know what is Functional Testing?

Testing based on an analysis of the specification of the functionality
of a component or system.

8 :: Tell me what is Regression Testing?

Testing of a previously tested program following modification to ensure
that defects have not been introduced or uncovered in unchanged areas of
the software, as a result of the changes made. It is performed when the
software or its environment is changed.

9 :: What is the deference between Automation tools and Management tools?

Automation tools interact with software applications, Test management
tools don’t interact with software applications.

Test management tools only for documentation and generation reports
where as Automation tools execute our software applications.

10 :: Give some examples for Defect Management Tools?


11 :: Give some examples for Test management Tools?

HP- Quality Center / ALM
Rational QA Director

12 :: Give some examples for Performance Test Tools?

IBM-Rational Performance Tester (RPT)
Micro Focus- Silk Performer

JMeter (Open Source)

13 :: Give some examples for Functional & Regression Test Tools?

HP- QuickTest Professional (QTP)
IBM- Rational Functional Tester (RFT)
Micro Focus- Silk Test
Test Complete
Test Partner
Selenium (Open Source)

14 :: What is In-house tool?

Some companies develop tools for their internal use.

Microsoft, Oracle Corporation and IBM developed so many tools for their
internal use.

15 :: What is Open source Tool and give example?

Source code available on Internet anybody can download and use.

Ex: Selenium, Jmeter, Bugzilla, QAwebload etc…

16 :: What is Vendor tool and give examples?

Companies develop tools, license is required to use and get technical

HP-WinRunner, QTP, LR, QC
IBM-Rational- Rational Robot, RFT, RPT, QA Director
Micro-SilkTest, Silk Performer

17 :: What are the drawbacks of Test Automation?

i) Test design requires lot of efforts
ii) 100% test automation impractical
iii) All types of testing not possible (Ex: Usability)
iv) Debugging issues
v) Tools may have their own defects

18 :: What are the advantages of Test Automation?

i) Fast: Tools are faster in execution than human users
ii) Reliable: Tools are reliable in complex calculations and tasks
iii) Reusable: we can reuse Automated Tests on multiple versions of
Software (Ex: Sanity Tests, Regression Tests)
iv) Repeatable: we can repeat same operations with multiple sets of Test
Data (Ex: Data driven Tests)
v) Programmable: we can use flow control statements for applying logic
(Scope of Automated Tests is very high than Manual Test Cases)
vi) Comprehensive: we can execute series of Tests without human
interaction (Ex: Batch Testing)

19 :: What are the disadvantages of Manual Testing?

i) Huge Amount of Human Resources as well as Environment (Test lab)
ii) Time taking process
iii) Less Accuracy
iv) Tiredness

20 :: What is Test Tool?

Test tool is software application it performs test operations based on
user instructions.

21 :: What is Test Automation?

Automating Software Test process using Test Tools

22 :: What is Automation?

General definition: Manual Process to mechanized process

Software Industry definition: Automation is a Microsoft technology that
makes it possible to access software objects inside one application from
other applications. These objects can be created and manipulated using a
scripting or programming language such as VBScript or VC++. Automation
enables you to control the functionality of an application programmatically.

23 :: Can you explain data-driven testing?

Normally an application has to be tested with multiple sets of data. For instance, a simple login screen, depending on the user type, will give different rights. For example, if the user is an admin he will have full rights, while a user will have limited rights and support if he only has read-only support rights. In this scenario the testing steps are the same but with different user ids and passwords. In data-driven testing, inputs to the system are read from data files such as Excel, CSV (comma separated values), ODBC, etc.

24 :: How does load testing work for websites?

Websites have software called a web server installed on the server. The user sends a request to the web server and receives a response. So, for instance, when you type the web server senses it and sends you the home page as a response. This happens each time you click on a link, do a submit, etc. So if we want to do load testing you need to just multiply these requests and responses "N" times. This is what an automation tool does. It first captures the request and response and then just multiplies it by "N" times and sends it to the web server, which results in load simulation.

25 :: Does automation replace manual testing?

Automation is the integration of testing tools into the test environment in such a manner that the test execution, logging, and comparison of results are done with little human intervention. A testing tool is a software application which helps automate the testing process. But the testing tool is not the complete answer for automation. One of the huge mistakes done in testing automation is automating the wrong things during development. Many testers learn the hard way that everything cannot be automated. The best components to automate are repetitive tasks. So some companies first start with manual testing and then see which tests are the most repetitive ones and only those are then automated.

As a rule of thumb do not try to automate:

Unstable software: If the software is still under development and undergoing many changes automation testing will not be that effective.
Once in a blue moon test scripts: Do not automate test scripts which will be run once in a while.
Code and document review: Do not try to automate code and document reviews; they will just cause trouble.
Automated Testing Interview Questions and Answers
39 Automated Testing Interview Questions and Answers