Audiology Interview Preparation Guide

Optimize your Audiology interview preparation with our curated set of 81 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Audiology to ensure youre well-prepared. Whether youre new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Access the free PDF to get all 81 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Audiology interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

81 Audiology Questions and Answers:

1 :: Can you explain me what do you like about what you do?

I enjoy helping people stay connected to their friends and family through better hearing. I also like learning about the latest technologies available to assist those with hearing loss.
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2 :: Who can receive Cochlear implant?

Adults who are having:
☛ Severe or profound bilateral hearing loss
☛ No help from a hearing aid
☛ Health enough to go under surgery
☛ Have realistic expectations

3 :: Tell me what is cochlea in the ear?

Cochlea plays a major role in hearing phenomena; it contains fluid called perilymph and tiny hairlike projections called cilia. Together they do the function of converting sound waves into a nerve impulse interpreted by the brain as sound.

4 :: What CAPD is and what are the tests used to check CAPD?

CAPD stands for central auditory processing order, and it is a set of problems that occur in different types of listening tasks, especially observed among children's. To check CAPD various test are performed like
☛ Auditory brainstem response
☛ Middle Latencies
☛ Late latency
☛ Event-related response
☛ fMRI

5 :: How do you currently follow up with your patients to monitor the status of their hearing aid?

My patients are fit with hearing aids and scheduled a two week follow up at the initial fitting. After that I schedule a four week check during their trial period to make sure they are comfortable. Patients are seen every six months for check ups and cleanings and once a year for a hearing test.
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6 :: What procedures do you recommend using when giving a patient their initial exam?

Case history, otoscopy, tympanometry, air-conduction testing, bone-conduction testing, word-recognition testing, speech reception thresholds, counseling, and (if appropriate) rehabilitation options (hearing instruments, hearing assistive technology, etc.)

7 :: What do you want to be doing five years from now in Audiology?

This is a commonly asked question, the answer to which can be very telling about your thought processes as well as personal organization. If you cannot answer this question, you are possibly indicating a lack of direction. It does not give assurance to the prospective employer that you are worth the time and money they will be investing in you.

8 :: Explain me do you feel that you personally benefit from this career choice? How so?

Steer clear of the obvious salary, time off and flexible schedule answer. The interviewer wants to know how you this career field has made you more empathetic, more organized or even a better person. Think back to the time before you became an Audiologist and how you are better now because of it. Share a story or a characteristic with the interviewer.

9 :: Tell us what is electrochleography test?

Electrochleography is an inner ear test that uses sound stimulation and the resulting electrical measurements. In this technique, fluid pressure inside inner ear is measured, excessive fluid pressure may cause hearing loss.

10 :: What tools does Audiology use?

Audiologist use tools like:

• Otoscope
• Typanometer
• Audiometer
• Auditory brainstem response
• Electronystagmography
• Otoacoustic emission, etc.
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