Activist Interview Preparation Guide

Activist related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Activist. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts
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30 Activist Questions and Answers:

1 :: Tell us how would you priorities your caseload?

Try and have one or two examples that show how you had to make an important decision while managing caseloads in previous roles. This will show how adaptable you are at managing your time and meeting the needs of service users.
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2 :: As you know many of the management and higher level roles with The Activist Investor require a Degree in Business or similar. Please walk me through your post-secondary education?

I would be thrilled to be considered for a management level position with The Activist Investor. Although I do not have many years' experience in this type of position, I do have a Bachelor of Arts in Business Management from Walden University online. I graduated with a 3.6 GPA. I am very proud of this grade because I worked full time during my studies and still graduated top of my class.
If you do not have a formal post-secondary education: "I did not have the opportunity to attend University; however, everything that I have learned on the job has been incredibly valuable. I would be thrilled to join your management team down the road so if you feel there are gaps in my knowledge, I would be happy to consider attending any required classes or workshops.

3 :: Tell us you are not given the tools you need to be successful. How would you change that?

State a business case to your manager / leader as to why you need the tools and make the request for them.

4 :: Explain me a situation when you were able to have a positive influence on the actions of others?

This question is designed to see whether you can motivate others and help achieve a positive attitude. Explain how you motivate others and what you do to determine what motivates them.

5 :: Tell me an example of a complex child protection case you were involved with?

You should give a relevant example and be concise and clear in your answer, focusing on the actions you took and the resulting outcomes. A strong answer will demonstrate your understanding of child protection issues, show you know the desired outcomes from the case and explain clearly the actions you took. Practice using the Star (situation, task, action, result) technique when answering questions like this.
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6 :: Tell me how do you make sure you are on top of your continuing professional development (CPD)?

Be as open as possible and remember that everybody learns in different ways. There is no textbook answer, but be ready with two or three examples and show how a particular activity or course helped with your CPD. Crucially, employers are looking for an indication of how your CPD has broadened your skill set and how this is of benefit to the role.

7 :: As you know we have a wide range of services at The Activist Investor. Have you ever used any of our services?

I have not personally used your commercial services; however, I have friends who have used The Activist Investor for their business needs and their reviews were always positive!
I have been a customer of The Activist Investor before, yes! The services I used were A, B, and C. My experience here was very comfortable and everyone was professional. This is one of the reasons why I applied for this role. I want to work for a company that has high standards and I know first hand that you do!

8 :: Why do you want to work here as Activist?

Know at least 3 strong reasons about why you want to work at the company. You could discuss their vision, products, the people, the career opportunities, and the culture.

9 :: How have you achieved your success as Activist?

Discuss stories of how you've progressed over the years to achieve success. People relate best to stories.

10 :: Tell us what do you know about working for our local authority?

This question also provides you with a chance to ask the interviewer more about a specific project or model of working. You might, for example, wish to ask about the systems they have in place to facilitate multi-agency working.
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