ActiveX Interview Preparation Guide

Sharpen your ActiveX interview expertise with our handpicked 18 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your ActiveX expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Download the free PDF now to get all 18 questions and ensure youre well-prepared for your ActiveX interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.

18 ActiveX Questions and Answers:

1 :: What Does the Logo Mean?

This comes at the comiplization time, If we give the LOGO
option to the compiler, it take a bitmap file (i.e, ) as
logo before loading the Application.
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2 :: What are the properties exposed by ActiveX controls?

ActiveX controls have four types of properties:
l Stock:-> These are standard properties supplied to every
control, such as font or
color. The developer must activate stock properties, but
there is little or no
coding involved.

2 Ambient:-> These are properties of the environment that
surrounds the control -
properties of the container into which it has been placed.
These can't be changed,
but the control can use them to adjust its own properties.
For example, it can set
the control's background color to match the container's
background color.

3 Extended:-> These are properties that the container
handles, usually involving size
and placement onscreen.

4 Custom:-> These are properties added by the control

3 :: What is an ActiveX method?

A method is an exposed function that can be applied to a
control via the IDispatch interface.

4 :: What is an ActiveX interface?

An ActiveX interface is a group of related functions that
are grouped together

5 :: What are the two types of events generated by ActiveX controls?

1. Stock events
2. Custom Events
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6 :: What is ActiveX control?

Activex control is a ready to use control.....
In our system there will be some inbuilt active x controls
given by the os, such media player ,calender
etc...thease controls can be used in any platform
(c ,c++,java,dotnet....).So we can also create the active x
controls that can be used anywhere in any
application...using actrive x controls in vc++ is very easy
refer to an example by browsing in google

7 :: What Is FrontPage?

front page is a software used to design a webpage.

8 :: What Is an OLE Custom Control?

We can customize these objects by saving into image

9 :: What are some other development tools that support creating and using ActiveX controls?

1. MFC
2. ATL
3. C++
4. VB

through Visual Studio.

10 :: Explain STL, standard template library?

STL contains classes, algorithms, and iterators. It contains set of ready to use C++ classes that can be used with built in type and user defined operations. STL uses templates to achieve the results.
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