ASP.Net MVC Interview Preparation Guide

ASP Dot Net MVC frequently Asked Questions in various ASP.Net MVC job Interviews by interviewer. The set of ASP Dot Net MVC interview questions here ensures that you offer a perfect answer to the interview questions posed to you. Get preparation of ASP Dot Net MVC job interview
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29 ASP Dot Net MVC Questions and Answers:

1 :: What is ASP.NET MVC?

ASP.NET MVC Is Part of the ASP.NET Framework, The Origins of MVC, The Architecture of an ASP.NET MVC Application etc.
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2 :: Explain What does MVC represent in ASP.NET?

- MVC stands for Model-View-Controller pattern that represents an architectural pattern for software.

- This separates the components of a Web application and helps in decoupling the business logic.

- It gives more flexibility to overall architecture that allows the changes to be made to a
layer, without affecting the other.

-M represents the Model view that specifies a specific domain data.

-V represents the view of the user interface components used to display the Model data.

-C represents the Controller that handles the user interactions and events. It manipulates the updates that model reflect at every change of the state of an application.

3 :: Explain what are the advantages of ASP.NET MVC framework?

-MVC framework is divided in model, view and controller which help to manage complex application. This way it divides the application in input logic, business logic and UI logic.

-MVC framework does not use view state or server-based forms which eliminate the problem of load time delays of HTML pages.

- MVC support ASP.NET routing which provide better URL mapping. In ASP.NET routing URL can be very useful for Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Representation State Transfer (REST).

-MVC Framework support better development of test-driven development (TDD) application.

-In MVC Framework Testing becomes very easier. Individual UI test is also possible.

4 :: Explain Model, View and Controller represent in an MVC application?

-MVC framework is a development method in which application is divided in three components: Model, View and Controller

-Model: In model we have to write our business logic and all the methods for data manipulations (CRUD)

-View: This component is responsible for user interface of the application.

-Controller: Controller handles the request and sends the response. It sends the request to View as a response or to Model. It acts as a mediator between Model and View.

5 :: Explain the difference between ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET WebForms?

-ASP.NET WebForms uses the page controller patterns to render a layout. Whereas, ASP.NET MVC provides a model that doesn’t have connection with the View so it becomes easier to test and maintain the applications.

-ASP.NET WebForms uses the Front controller pattern for all the pages to process the web applications requests and used to facilitate routing architecture. Whereas, ASP.NET MVC has the View that is called before the controller and this controller is used to render the View that is based on the actions as the user interacts with the interface.

-ASP.NET WebForms manage the state of the model by using the view state and server based controls. Whereas, ASP.NET MVC doesn’t manage the state information like WebForms.

-ASP.NET WebForms are event driven. Whereas, ASP.NET MVC are test driven.
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6 :: Tell me How ASP.NET MVC differs from ASP.NET Web forms?

-ASP.NET MVC does not use View State to record state information whereas ASP.NET web form uses View State to record state information.

-ASP.NET Web forms are better for Rapid application development in the case if you small development team. ASP.NET MVC is better for large project where you give more priority to testability and maintainability.

-In ASP.NET Web form View is called after controller wherein ASP.NET MVC the rendering of View is managed by controller based on the action.

-ASP.NET Web forms development is easy to learn compared to ASP.NET MVC development.

7 :: Explain How is the ASP.NET MVC architecture different from others?

-ASP.NET MVC uses a complete Model-View-Controller architecture that combines the Controller and the View in a way that both meet the dependency of each other.

-The testing of the architecture can be done by instantiating a View and carrying out the unit tests without running the controllers through the complete cycle.

-The control of MVC on the output is complete and it renders the HTML in a very clean way.

-The architecture provides an orientation towards the standard compliant pages and control over the behavior of the applications.

-The knowledge of many programming language gets reduced and the model can become more abstract from lots of details that is provided for the ease of use.

8 :: Can you explain Why it is useful to use MVC instead of WebForms?

-MVC allows the user to write less amount of code to build the web applications as lots of components are integrated to provide the flexibility in the program.

-Lot of data control options is being provided that can be used in ViewState.

-The application tasks are separated into components to make it easier for the programmers to write the applications but at the same time the amount of the code also increases.

-Main focus remains on the testability and maintainability of the projects that is being carried out in large projects.

-It is being used for the projects that require rapid application development.

9 :: Tell me What is the Request flow used for ASP.NET MVC framework?

Request flow handles the request from the clients and passes it to the server. The Request flow is as follows:

-Request is being taken from User to controller.

-Controller processes the request from the user and creates a data Model of that particular request.

-Data model that is being created is then passed to View that handles the frontend or the design.

-View then transforms the Data Model by using its own functions in an appropriate output format.

-The output format that is being given by the View is then gets rendered to the Browser and the View will be seen by the user.

10 :: Explain What is the procedure to create the environment for ASP.NET?

The creations of ASP.NET environment requires 6 steps and these are as follows:

1. User sends a request to the server. The server checks the request and also tries to locate the API extension that can serve the request. The request is processed depending on the file extension.

2. In case of the first request there is a class called ApplicationManager gets created and it also creates the application domain where the website can run.

3. The application that is created creates a hosting environment using HttpRuntime object. With these the core components like HttpContext, HttpRequest and HttpResponse also gets created.

4. These objects that are created provide the response to the request.

5. The object that is assigned to the process page is called as HttpApplication.

6.This process starts the processing of the request that is handled by the Http module events.
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