2D Artist Interview Preparation Guide

Strengthen your 2D Artist interview skills with our collection of 32 important questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in 2D Artist. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Secure the free PDF to access all 32 questions and guarantee your preparation for your 2D Artist interview. This guide is crucial for enhancing your readiness and self-assurance.

32 2D Artist Questions and Answers:

1 :: Please explain what's the best game of all time and why?

The most important thing here is to answer relatively quickly, and back it up. One of the fallouts of this question is age. Answering "Robotron!" to a 20-something interviewer might lead to a feeling of disconnect. But sometimes that can be good. It means you have to really explain why it's the best game of all time. Can you verbally and accurately describe a game to another person who has never played it? You'll rack up some communication points if you can.

What you shouldn't say is whatever the latest hot game is, or blatantly pick one that the company made (unless it's true and your enthusiasm is bubbling over). Be honest. Don't be too eccentric and niche, and be ready to defend your decision.
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2 :: Tell me how do you feel about crunching?

At smaller studios, this is the 64 million dollar question. My advice is to be 100 percent honest. If you won't crunch, say so now. It may well put you out of the running for a job, but ultimately that's a good thing. No, really, it is! If the company works a lot of overtime and you don't want to do it, then taking the job is going to be punishing for everyone.

Having said that, the last thing any interviewer wants to hear is, "I won't do it" because that predicates a perceived lack of involvement and passion (not that passion should equal overtime, but the perception of refusing to do something before you're even in the circumstances could be the difference between getting a job offer and having the company pass you up).

Phrase your answer in such a way that you don't sound confrontational with the interviewer. She doesn't want to get into an argument; she just wants to know where you stand. Understand that this question is meant to gauge, roughly, how you might fit into the company culture.

3 :: Tell us what do you do on your own time to extend your skills?

As a programmer, do you work on home projects? As a designer, do you doodle design ideas or make puzzles? As an artist, do you do portrait work?

Having hired many people in the past, one of the things I can speak to with authority is that those people who spend their off time working on discipline-related projects are the ones who are always up on current trends, have new ideas, are most willing to try something new, and will be the ones taking stuff home to tinker with on their own time. Now that shouldn't be expected of everyone, but the sad reality is that there is competition for jobs out there, and those who are prepared to put in the extra work are the ones that are going to be in hot demand.

Demonstrating that you learned C# over a weekend because you thought it was cool for prototyping is exactly the kind of thing a programming manager wants to hear. Suddenly your toolset expanded, and not only did it show willingness to do something without being told, it makes you more valuable.

4 :: Tell us what are you doing to keep current in technology?

I currently am studying animation, so that helps me with keeping current in technology. I also own several technological devices that allow me to keep up with all the new technology that keeps progressing.

5 :: Tell us if we asked your previous supervisor what area you could improve on, as an animator, what would they say?

He would say I need to improve in my social skills, I am a very serious person. But I will always be there if someone needs help on something.
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6 :: Tell me why do you want to work here as 2D Artist?

(This question implicitly includes, "Why do you want to leave where you are?" if you're currently employed.)

This question is an open opportunity to show you've done some research on the company where you're interviewing. All companies and interviewers are flattered when the interviewee knows who they are, knows what games they make, and wants to be a part of their experience. Do your homework and put on a good show!

Don't say things like, "I need a job," or "I need to move to Sacramento." Instead, pick a few things that are germane to the company in question. The more specific your reasons are tied to the company, the better. "I want to work on FPS shooters" isn't as good an answer as "I want to work on Game Franchise X because I played the first two games and still see potential for future growth of the product." It's sycophantic, yes, but interviewers are as prone to flattery as anyone else -- although don't give that as your only reason.

When explaining why you want to leave your current job, the trick is to not be negative. Pick a couple of points that are inarguable, for example, "There was no career development" or "They weren't working on the kinds of games I'm interested in," rather than "Their management is clueless and they are going to die soon." The game industry is a small community -- you could very well be talking smack about your interviewer's close buddy.

If you were let go or fired, it's better to say something like, "We decided to part ways," or "It was my time to leave," rather than go into too much detail, unless directly pressed. In that case, the interviewer probably already knows what went down and is just looking to see what you'll say. Answer the question quickly and without negativity, and move on. You want to leave a positive impression.

7 :: Tell me where do you want to be in five years as 2D Artist?

Personally, I love this question because it reveals if a prospective candidate has a plan at all or is just drifting from job to job as so many are wont to do. There's nothing wrong per se with people who drift along the currents, it's just that those with a plan (or at least a desire to move in a particular direction) are generally much more interesting people. Plus, they are almost always inherently more predictable, which is always a benefit for employers.

Having a desire to move forward helps everyone. It helps you measure your progress, and it gives the company a plan to help you get there.

Of course, it does depend on you knowing what you want. Most people tend to know what they don't want, but not necessarily what they do want, which is a problem -- particularly if you express that in an interview. Interviewers would rather have a list of things you want to attain rather than things you don't.

One optimal answer is, "Still working for you making games," but it smacks of sucking up, so I'd recommend saying something a little more generic: "Still looking for a challenge and putting in that extra effort to make great games."

The best response I've ever heard to that question was, "I want your job!" and the individual who said it to me indeed has my old job! But be wary of sounding confrontational.

8 :: Tell me did you ever have challenges you faced in your career?

The biggest challenges were the paperwork needed. Attendance, grades, home contacts, and grading work. These tasks were necessary but got in the way of teaching art. The most challenging thing was trying to balance being a diving coach, being Department Chairman, and teaching 5 preps for many years.

9 :: Operational and Situational Artist Job Interview Questions:

☛ How do you prepare different skin types before applying make up?
☛ If a customer asked you what’s the most suitable foundation tone for them, how would you help?
☛ Imagine a customer asked you for a makeup style that was unsuitable for them. How do you handle it?
☛ Choose your favorite cosmetic product and sell it to me
☛ What would be the effect of analogous/complimentary colors in makeup?
☛ Imagine you make a mistake while you apply makeup to a customer. How do you handle it?
☛ If you had to choose makeup according to lighting, how would you go about it?

10 :: Behavioral 2d artist interview questions:

☛ Give an example of a time you successfully worked on a team.
☛ Describe a situation where you had to plan or organise something.
☛ What have you learned from mistakes on the job?
☛ How do you keep track of things you need to do?
☛ How do you decide what gets top priority when scheduling your time?
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