Rational Robot Question:

What Kinds of Problems Does a Datapool Solve?


1.Problem: During recording, you create a personnel file for a new employee, using the employee’s unique social security number. Each time the script is played back, there is an attempt to create the same personnel file and supply the same social security number. The application rejects the duplicate requests.
Solution: Use a datapool to send different employee data, including unique social security numbers, to the server each time the script is played back.
2. Problem: You delete a record during recording. During playback, each instance and iteration of the script attempts to delete the same record, and Record Not Found errors result.
Solution: Use a datapool to reference a different record in the deletion request each time the script is played back.
3. Problem: The client application reads a database record while you record a script for a performance test. During playback, that same record is read hundreds of times. Because the client application is well designed, it puts the record in cache memory, making its retrieval deceptively fast in subsequent fetches. The response times that the performance test yields will be inaccurate.
Solution: Use a datapool to request a different record each time the script is played back.

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What is a Datapool?How to creating a Datapool with Robot?