Emotional Intelligence Question:

Sample Emotional Intelligence Interview Questions:

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► What is one of your weaknesses? How do you overcome that weakness?
► What motivates you to do your work?
► Describe a stressful work situation you've had. How did you resolve that situation?
► What are one or two things that make you angry or frustrated at work. What do you do when you get angry or frustrated at work?
► Tell me about a time when you received feedback on your performance and you disagreed with the feedback. How did you handle the situation?
► Tell me about a setback you had at work. How did you handle it?
► Describe a time when you made a big mistake at work. How did you handle the situation?
► Tell me about a time when you had to handle multiple work assignments at once. How did you feel? How did you handle the situation?
► Tell me about a time when you took on a task at work that you was new to you. How did you feel doing it?
► How would you handle a coworker who consistently does not pull his weight on group assignments?
► How do your colleagues benefit from working with you?
► Tell me about a time when you did or said something that had a positive impact on an employee, coworker, or customer.
► Have you ever noticed that someone at work was having a bad day? How did you know? What did you do?
► Tell me about a time when you had a dispute with a colleague. What did you do to deal with the situation?
► Describe a time when a colleague came to you with a problem. How did you respond?
► Tell me about a time when understanding someone else's perspective helped you accomplish a task or resolve an issue.
► Tell me about a time when you motivated someone to accomplish a task. How did you motivate him or her?
► Why is it important to develop a rapport with your colleagues?
► How do you build a rapport with your colleagues?

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When hiring staff, look for individuals who display emotional intelligence skills, such as those who:When balancing the types of questions you ask during an interview: