InPage Question:

How to use corel draw with InPage?


With InPage, you can now enter text in Urdu, copy the text box and paste it in Corel Draw 5.0. The various steps are-
★ First run InPage.
★ Now launch Corel Draw.
★ Make a headline in InPage by first creating a text box or a title text box and entering Urdu in the text box.
★ Once the text has been completely entered, select the Arrow Tool from the tool strip and now select this text box in the arrow mode.
★ Copy this text box onto the clipboard by using the Copy command.
★ Now switch to Corel Draw and paste the text box you have already copied onto the clipboard.
★ Go to the Arrange menu and choose Ungroup.
★ Sometimes a text box appears as a frame when you paste the text in Corel Draw. After ungrouping, you can select the frame and delete the extra frame.
★ Now select the complete text using the selection rectangle and choose Combine menu item from the Arrange menu.

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