Microsoft Outlook Question:

How to delete MS Outlook folders?

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Adding folders is so easy that you might add more folders than you actually need. It's common to create too many and then find you need to cut back a bit. Fortunately, deleting folders is easy:

Right-click the folder you want to delete.
Choose Delete foldername.

That's it! Outlook will move the deleted folder to the Deleted Items folder, as a subfolder. If you want to permanently delete the folder, right-click the deleted folder (in the Deleted Items folder) and choose Delete. When Outlook prompts you to permanently delete the folder, click Yes. Otherwise, the data in that folder is still in the Delete Items folder, consuming resources. In addition, if a folder contains sensitive or confidential data, it's visible to anyone who accesses your computer. If Delete isn't available with a right-click, call your administrator.

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