Rational Robot Question:

How to create or edit a custom data test?


1. Display the object for which you want to create the data test.
2. In Robot, click Tools > Object Data Test Definition.
3. Click Select to open the Select Object dialog box.
4. Select the object for which you want to create the data test in one of the following ways:
-- Drag the Object Finder tool over the object and release the mouse button. As you move the Object Finder tool over an object, the object type appears in the yellow TestTip.
-- Click Browse to open the Object List dialog box, select the object from the list, and click OK.
The Object List dialog box shows a hierarchical list of all objects on the Windows desktop, including hidden objects.
5. If the Select Object dialog box is still open, click OK to close it. The object classification of the selected object and its data tests appear in the Object Data Test Definition dialog box.
If the object is Unknown (not defined), the Define Object dialog box appears. Select an object type and click OK to open the Object Data Test Definition dialog box.
6. Do one of the following to display the Create/Edit Object Data Test dialog box:
-- To create a new test, type a name (50 characters maximum) in the Data test name box and click New.
-- To edit a custom test, select the test from the list and click Edit.
-- To copy a test and edit the copy, select the test and click Copy. Type the new name and click OK. Then, click Edit.
7. Select a property from the Property to test list. This property is the one whose values you want to capture in the data test. 8. Select the Column check box to add parameters for the vertical axis. Select the Row check box to add parameters for the horizontal axis.
9. Type an expression in the From and To boxes, or click the Expression button to the right of each box to build the expression.
An expression is a single value or property, or a combination of values, properties, and operators.
10. In the Using box (in the Create/Edit Object Data Test dialog box), type a property or select it from the list to further define the property that you are capturing and testing.
The Using box specifies what property Robot will modify to affect its iteration. For example, to iterate from row 0 to row Rows-1, Robot will set the Row property.
11. Select the check boxes under Additional parameters as needed.
12. In the Description box, type a description that indicates what the data test does.
13. Optionally, click Te s t to do the following:
--Verify the syntax of the data test before you save it.
-- If the syntax is correct, watch Robot perform the data test on the selected object.
When the test has ended, Robot opens a dialog box with the captured data. Click OK to close the dialog box.
14. Click OK to save the test and automatically verify it.
If the syntax of the expression is incorrect, the incorrect area is highlighted so you can correct it and then resave the test.

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