Rational Robot Question:

Eight verification methods?


1. Case-Sensitive - Verifies that the text captured during recording exactly matches the captured text during playback.
2. Case-Insensitive - Verifies that the text captured during recording matches the captured text during playback in content but not necessarily in case.
3. Find Sub String Case-Sensitive - Verifies that the text captured during recording exactly matches a subset of the captured text during playback.
4. Find Sub String Case-Insensitive - Verifies that the text captured during recording matches a subset of the captured text during playback in content but not necessarily in case.
5. umeric Equivalence - Verifies that the values of the data captured during recording exactly match the values captured during playback.
6. Numeric Range - Verifies that the values of the data captured during recording fall within a specified range during playback. You specify the From and To values for the numeric range. During playback, the verification point verifies that the numbers are within that range.
7. User-Defined and Apply a User-Defined DLL test function - Passes text to a function within a dynamic-link library (DLL) so that you can run your own custom tests. You specify the path for the directory and name of the custom DLL and the function. The verification point passes or fails based on the result that it receives back from the DLL function.
8. Verify that selected field is blank - Verifies that the selected field contains no text or numeric data. If the field is blank, the verification point passes.

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