Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) Question:

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Describe the different roles of HTTP?

HTTP Interview Question
HTTP Interview Question


In HTTP, there are two different roles: server and client. In general, the client always initiates the conversation; the server replies. HTTP is text based; that is, messages are essentially bits of text, although the message body can also contain other media. Text usage makes it easy to monitor an HTTP exchange.

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What is the mean of GET?How to hide the http request action behind and show a message in the browser instead?

ive created a http request which close the ticket when the caller clicks on the link. but it directs to the page of the ticket with an operator view.

so the caller will see the operator interface of the ticket when he clicks on the link to close the ticket.

instead i just want to show a message to the caller saying your request has been done for exemple.

is it possible to hide the action behind?