Unity Developer Question:

Basic Unity Developer Job Interview Questions:


☛ Difference between Update,Fixed Update and Late Update.
☛ What is Prefabs in Unity 3D?
☛ What is the use of AssetBundle in Unity?
☛ What is difference between Resources and StreamingAssets Folder.
☛ What is Batching and what is the use of Batching?
☛ Difference between Destroy and DestroyImmediate unity function
☛ Difference between Start and Awake Unity Events.
☛ What is the use of Occlusion Culling?How can you call C# from Javascript, and vice versa?Arrange the event functions listed below in the order in which the

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Do you know the change in the business industry now requires you to have a new set of skills you have to learn, how do you react to that?Tell us have you ever been fired and if yes, why?