Junior School Teacher Question:

About Junior School Teacher skills interview questions:

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► What skills should a teacher have?
► What makes you think you would be a good teacher?
► Why should we take you rather than the other candidates who have applied?
► What qualities do you have that will make you a good teacher?
► What skills do you need to work on to improve?
► What skills could you bring to a school?
► Describe a situation when have you had to use your initiative.
► Why will you be able to handle the pressures? What is it about you that will enable you to cope with the stress and demands of this profession which has a high turnover?
► On the scheme you will always be under pressure. How will you organise/cope? What experiences have you had to prepare you for this?
► Explain why you think it is important to show enthusiasm and interest when working with young people?
► Explain how you think your most recent working experience will prove useful in your teaching career.
► Can you tell me about a time when you went to someone for advice, and how you reacted to this advice.
► Other than [Primark and your time in schools] what other experience do you have working with young people?
► What skills do you think you have that make you particularly good at handling people?
► How would you like to be described by the pupils you teach?
► Choose any topic and say how you would go about teaching it

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