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#1 2019-09-15 10:58:29

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بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
From: Sahiwal Division
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75 Most Common Psychiatrist Interview Questions And Answers

Medical Science :: Psychiatrist Job Interview Questions and Answers

Psychiatrist related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Psychiatrist. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

1 Please explain me what would you do if you disagreed with another psychiatrist about a patient's care?
2 Tell me what Is It About Psychiatry That Interests You?
3 Tell us do You Have A Philosophy About Suicide? What Should The Psychiatrist’s Responsibility Be For Preventing Suicide?
4 Can you tell me about a time you had to think outside the box to help a patient or solve a problem. How was your thinking accepted among your team or peers?
5 Tell us what Do You Think The Hardest Thing About Being A Psychiatrist Is?
6 Tell us what Do You Think The Role Of Psychotherapy Is In Psychiatric Practice Today?
7 As you know sometimes it can be difficult to enforce your patients’ care plans. How do you expect to successfully get your patients on board with their plans?
8 Why Do You Want This Job as Psychiatrist?
9 What is agoraphobia?
10 What is delusion?
11 What is echopraxia?
12 What is korsakoff's Syndrome?
13 What is perseveration?
14 Tell us as a psychiatrist, how would you treat a patient with depression?
15 Explain me what would you do if a patient disagreed with your diagnosis or refused treatment?
16 Tell us what Role Do You Think Psychiatrists Should Play In Trying To Influence Social Issues?
17 Explain me what kind of work environment do you thrive in?
18 Explain me have You Heard The Term “psychological Mindedness?” What Does That Mean To You? Are You Psychologically Minded? How Do You Know?
19 Explain me how Will You Handle Stress In Your Residency Training?
20 Tell us depending on the severity of the illness, many patients will require familial intervention and assistance throughout their treatment. How do you plan on keeping the family in the loop throughout treatment?
21 As you know our psychiatric nurses get opportunities to serve as peer mentors after they’ve been at the hospital for at least a year. Would you be a good fit for such a role?
22 What is dyskinesia?
23 What is illusion?
24 What is tardive dyskinesia?
25 Explain me how would you help a patient who is in distress?
26 Suppose your patient adamantly disagrees with your diagnosis. How would you respond to them?
27 Explain me what Are Your Thoughts About The Role That Psychologists And Social Workers Should Play In The Care Of Those With Mental Illnesses?
28 Explain me do you have interest in pursuing research or have you been involved in research in the past?
29 Explain me have You Ever Attended A Meeting Or A Conference Where Food Was Provided By A Drug Company? What Do You Think About That?
30 Explain me a time when you had to put aside personal needs to ensure the psychiatry team continued to function smoothly at your workplace?
31 What is delusional mood?
32 What is Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?
33 Tell us how would you approach the care of patients who have multiple mental health issues?
34 Please explain what Role Do You Think Psychiatrists Should Play In The Overall Health Care System?
35 Suppose you will be working closely with a number of doctors who will be making many demands of your time. Are you able to work quickly and efficiently, and multitask when needed?
36 Please explain with an example of a time when you had to interact with a patient who was in great mental distress?
37 What is dementia?
38 What is hallucination?
39 What is passivity phenomena?
40 Tell me what is a recent development in psychiatry research that you've read about?
41 Tell us what Areas Of Psychological Psychiatry Are Of Particular Interest To You?
42 Tell us what Do You Think The Role Of Pharmaceutical Companies Should Be In The Education Of Psychiatrists About Medications?
43 As you know like a psychiatrist, you will be diagnosing mental illnesses and prescribing drugs. How do you plan on following up with your patients to ensure they are taking their medication?
44 Tell me being a good nurse requires a comforting bedside manner, not just for your patients but also for their families. Will you be able to be straightforward and educational but also reassuring when communicating with patients and their families?
45 Please explain how you normally respond to feedback from superiors such as physicians and charge nurses?
46 Tell us what Thoughts Do You Have About Requiring Psychiatric Patients To Take Their Medication?
47 Explain me about a difficult case you were involved in?
48 Explain me when Was The First Psychiatric Hospital Built?
49 Tell us what has been your most rewarding experience as a psychiatrist?
50 Explain me psychiatric providers are in high demand right now across the entire country. Why do you think that is?
51 Explain me what motivates you as a psychiatric nurse, even during the toughest shifts?
52 Tell us being a psychiatric nurse practitioner requires an observant and detail-oriented mind. How do you keep track of changes in patients’ behaviors over time?
53 Tell me have you ever misdiagnosed a patient? How did you resolve that?
54 What is derealisation?
55 Explain me what Areas Of Biological Psychiatry Are Of Particular Interest To You?
56 What is echolalia?
57 What is neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome?
58 What is bulimia nervosa?
59 Tell us what electronic medical records do you have experience working with?
60 Explain me what Are The Reasons That You Decided To Apply To This Residency Program?
61 What is depersonalisation?
62 What is obsession?
63 What is cyclothymia?
64 Tell us what Do You Expect To Be Doing As A Psychiatrist?
65 What is compulsion?
66 What is insight?
67 What is first rank symptoms?
68 What is anorexia nervosa?
69 What is frontal lobe syndrome?
70 What is parietal Lobe signs?
71 Explain me what is anxiety?
72 What is flight of ideas?
73 What is amnesia?
74 What is dyspraxia?
75 What is delirium?

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