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#1 2018-06-30 11:05:52

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بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
From: Sahiwal Division
Registered: 2012-03-22
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41 Most Common Data Architect Interview Questions And Answers

Data Structure :: Data Architect Job Interview Questions and Answers

Data Architect Frequently Asked Questions in various Data Architect job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview

1 Tell me do you know why Data Warehouse is used?
2 Explain me what do you understand by data mart?
3 What are conformed dimensions?
4 Tell me what is a fact & a fact table?
5 Tell me the physical data model?
6 Do you know what do you understand by Data Modelling?
7 Explain me what is a 'Conformed Dimension'?
8 Tell me additive Measures?
9 Explain me what is ER model?
10 Tell me what is data warehouse?
11 Tell me what is Fact?
12 Do you know what is junk dimension?
13 Can you throw some light on your experience in Data Modelling with respect to projects you have worked on till date?
14 Tell me what is junk Dimension?
15 Tell us what are the different types of measures?
16 Can you explain me what is meant by Data Analytics?
17 Tell me what is Star-schema?
18 Tell us what is a mini dimension?
19 Please explain what are the different types of dimensions you have come across? Explain each of them in detail with an example?
20 Tell me what is snow-flake schema?
21 Explain me what is your understanding of different data models?
22 Tell me your idea regarding factless fact? And why do we use it?
23 What is the logical model?
24 Tell me what are the different types of dimension?
25 Tell us what are the benefits of data warehouse?
26 Explain me non-additive Measures?
27 Tell me what are the different design schemas in Data Modelling? Explain with the example?
28 Can you distinguish between OLTP and OLAP?
29 Tell us what is data mart?
30 Explain me what is a role-playing dimension?
31 Tell me which schema is better – star or snowflake?
32 What is slowly Changing Dimension (SCD)?
33 Can you tell me what is SCD?
34 Can you explain me what is dimension?
35 Explain me what is the difference between OLTP and OLAP?
36 What is the conceptual model?
37 What is role Playing Dimension?
38 Please explain what is dimensional modeling?
39 Please explain semi Additive Measures?
40 Explain me what do you understand by dimension and attribute?
41 Tell us what is degenerated dimension?

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