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#1 2018-05-23 07:32:25

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بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
From: Sahiwal Division
Registered: 2012-03-22
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50 Most Common Biztalk Orchestration Interview Questions And Answers

BizTalk Server :: Biztalk Orchestration Job Interview Questions and Answers

Biztalk Orchestration related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with professional career as Biztalk Orchestration. These list of interview questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

1 Explain me where is information about promoted properties stored?
2 Tell us types of messages?
3 Please explain what is XLANG and where it is used?
4 Tell me can orchestration use components other than listed in Toolbox?
5 Explain me what are the ways to add properties in context?
6 Tell me which scope can have an Exception Handling?
7 Tell us can persistence point occur in the Delay or Receive shape?
8 Please explain what is a link in a Map?
9 Tell us can I use System.Messaging on the BizTalk machine having MSMQT installed?
10 Please explain how does Orchestration subscribes to messages?
11 Explain me is it necessary for all .Net components being called from orchestration to be serializable?
12 Tell us is it possible to enforce Orchestration to behave in singleton way?
13 Tell me what are conditional persistence points?
14 Tell me is it possible to use Message Assignment shape and Transform shape individually?
15 Tell us which Interfaces do you need to implement in a disassembling custom pipeline component?
16 Tell me can we use message metadata in Orchestration?
17 Tell me can recursion be achieved in Orchestration?
18 Tell me what is persistence point?
19 Do you know when is convoy used?
20 Explain me which shapes are used to implement "AND" and "OR" situation in Orchestration?
21 Tell me is it possible to skip any particular orchestration from getting compiled?
22 Tell us what is the lifecycle of a Message in BizTalk server?
23 Do you know what is message metadata?
24 Tell us is it possible: Orchestration A calls another Orchestration B and vice versa?
25 Explain me what is the maximum number of branches that can be used in a parallel shape?
26 Tell me is it possible to get an exception object from General Exception?
27 Tell us is it possible to use IF Then Else logic inside the Message Assignment?
28 Tell me does BizTalk support synchronous communication?
29 Do you know what are Scopes used for?
30 Explain me where is BTS.SPID and BTS.ReceivePortID used?
31 Tell us to which scope compensation block can be added?
32 Do you know how are messages created in an orchestration?
33 Tell me what is the maximum number of properties that can be used in correlation set?
34 Tell me how to load message in a variable?
35 Tell me can an Atomic scope can have an exception handler of their own?
36 Do you know which language does expression shape support?
37 As you know xMLDocument is non-serializable still it's called without atomic scope with no error, why?
38 Tell me when is property "Synchronized=true" used?
39 Tell us what are the different types of transactions available for orchestration?
40 Do you know how to route binary data?
41 Please explain when a persistence point occurs at the Orchestration level?
42 Do you know what is the difference between written property and promoted property?
43 Tell us pro's and Con's of Direct binding?
44 Explain me what's the main difference between Call and Start Orchestration?
45 Do you know what is binding?
46 Tell me what is correlation type?
47 Tell us what is relation between Orchestration instance and correlation?
48 Please explain design patterns in Orchestration?
49 Tell us can we prevent Orchestration from entering a suspended state?
50 Explain how to Promote Property inside an Orchestration?

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2018-05-23 07:32:25

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