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From: Sahiwal Division
Registered: 2012-03-22
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138 Most Common PHP Interview Questions And Answers

Basic Programming :: Basic PHP Programming Job Interview Questions and Answers

Learn PHP programming with Interview Questions and Answers and examples.

1 How To Download and Install PHP on Windows?
2 How To Check Your PHP Installation?
3 How To Download and Install PHP for Windows?
4 Where Are PHP Configuration Settings Stored?
5 How To Run a PHP Script?
6 What Are the Special Characters You Need to Escape in Single-Quoted Stings?
7 Can You Specify the "new line" Character in Single-Quoted Strings?
8 What Are the Special Characters You Need to Escape in Double-Quoted Stings?
9 How Many Escape Sequences Are Recognized in Double-Quoted Strings in PHP?
10 How To Include Variables in Double-Quoted Strings in PHP?
11 How Many Ways to Include Variables in Double-Quoted Strings in PHP?
12 How Many Ways to Include Array Elements in Double-Quoted Strings using PHP?
13 How To Access a Specific Character in a String using PHP?
14 How To Assigning a New Character in a String using PHP?
15 How To Concatenate Two Strings Together in PHP?
16 How To Compare Two Strings with Comparison Operators in PHP?
17 How To Convert Numbers to Strings in PHP?
18 How To Convert Strings to Numbers in PHP?
19 How To Get the Number of Characters in a String?
20 How To Remove White Spaces from the Beginning and/or the End of a String in PHP?
21 How To Remove the New Line Character from the End of a Text Line in PHP?
22 How To Remove Leading and Trailing Spaces from User Input Values in PHP?
23 How to Find a Substring from a Given String in PHP?
24 What Is the Best Way to Test the strpos() Return Value in PHP?
25 How To Take a Substring from a Given String in PHP?
26 How To Replace a Substring in a Given String in PHP?
27 What is PHP?
28 What Is a Session in PHP?
29 What is meant by PEAR in php?
30 How can we know the number of days between two given dates using PHP?
31 How can we repair a MySQL table?
32 What is the difference between $message and $$message?
33 What Is a Persistent Cookie in PHP?
34 What does a special set of tags do in PHP?
35 How do you define a constant in PHP?
36 How To Write the FORM Tag Correctly for Uploading Files?
37 What are the differences between require and include, include_once?
38 What is meant by urlencode and urldecode?
39 How To Get the Uploaded File Information in the Receiving Script?
40 What is the difference between mysql_fetch_object and mysql_fetch_array?
41 How can I execute a PHP script using command line?
42 I am trying to assign a variable the value of 0123, but it keeps coming up with a different number, what is the problem?
43 Would I use print "$a dollars" or "{$a} dollars" to print out the amount of dollars in this example?
44 What are the different tables present in MySQL? Which type of table is generated when we are creating a table in the following syntax: create table employee(eno int(2),ename varchar(10))?
45 How To Create a Table using PHP?
46 How can we encrypt the username and password using PHP?
47 How do you pass a variable by value?
49 When are you supposed to use endif to end the conditional statement?
50 How can we send mail using JavaScript?
51 What is the functionality of the function strstr and stristr?
52 What is the difference between ereg_replace() and eregi_replace()?
53 How do I find out the number of parameters passed into function9. ?
54 What is the purpose of the following files having extensions: frm, myd, and myi? What these files contain?
55 If the variable $a is equal to 5 and variable $b is equal to character a, what’s the value of $$b?
56 How To Protect Special Characters in Query String?
57 Are objects passed by value or by reference?
58 What are the differences between DROP a table and TRUNCATE a table?
59 What are the differences between GET and POST methods in form submitting, give the case where we can use GET and we can use POST methods?
60 How do you call a constructor for a parent class?
62 What is the special meaning of __sleep and __wakeup?
63 How can we submit a form without a submit button?
64 Would you initialize your strings with single quotes or double quotes?
65 How can we extract string from a string using regular expression of php?
66 What is the difference between the functions unlink and unset?
67 How come the code works, but does not for two-dimensional array of mine?
68 How can we register the variables into a session?
69 What is the difference between characters 23 and x23?
70 With a heredoc syntax, do I get variable substitution inside the heredoc contents?
71 How can we submit form without a submit button?
72 How can we create a database using PHP and mysql?
73 How many ways we can retrieve the date in result set of mysql using php?
74 Can we use include ("abc.php") two times in a php page "makeit.php"?
75 For printing out strings, there are echo, print and printf. Explain the differences.
76 I am writing an application in PHP that outputs a printable version of driving directions. It contains some long sentences, and I am a neat freak, and would like to make sure that no line exceeds 50 characters. How do I accomplish that with PHP?
77 What is the output of the ucwords function in this example?
78 What Is the difference between htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars()?
79 How can we destroy the session, how can we unset the variable of a session?
80 What are the different functions in sorting an array?
81 How can we know the count/number of elements of an array?
82 How many ways we can pass the variable through the navigation between the pages?
83 What is the maximum length of a table name, a database name, or a field name in MySQL?
84 How many values can the SET function of MySQL take?
85 How can we find the number of rows in a table using MySQL?
86 What is the difference between md5(), crc32() and sha1() crypto on PHP?
87 How can we find the number of rows in a result set using PHP?
88 How many ways we can we find the current date using MySQL?
89 Give the syntax of GRANT commands?
90 Give the syntax of REVOKE commands?
91 What is the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR data types?
92 How can we encrypt and decrypt a data present in a mysql table using mysql?
93 What is the functionality of MD5 function in PHP?
94 How can we change the name of a column of a table?
95 How can we know the number of days between two given dates using MySQL?
96 How can we change the data type of a column of a table?
97 What is meant by MIME?
98 What is the difference between GROUP BY and ORDER BY in SQL?
99 How can we know that a session is started or not?
100 What are the differences between mysql_fetch_array(), mysql_fetch_object(), mysql_fetch_row()?
101 What are the MySQL database files stored in system ?
102 What is the difference between PHP4 and PHP5?
103 What is meant by nl2br()?
104 How can we encrypt and decrypt a data presented in a table using MySQL?
105 What are the functions for IMAP?
106 What are encryption functions in PHP?
107 What is the functionality of the function htmlentities?
108 How can we increase the execution time of a php script?
109 How to set cookies in PHP?
110 How to reset/destroy a cookie in PHP?
112 How can I know that a variable is a number or not using a JavaScript?
113 How can we submit from without a submit button?
114 How can we destroy the cookie in PHP?
115 What are the current versions of Apache, PHP, and MySQL?
116 What is the use of friend function in PHP?
117 How can we get second of the current time using date function?
118 How can I make a script that can be bilingual (supports English, German)?
119 What are the difference between abstract class and interface?
120 What are the advantages of stored procedures, triggers, indexes in PHP?
121 What is maximum size of a database in mysql?
122 Explain normalization concept?
123 What type of inheritance that php supports?
124 How can increase the performance of MySQL select query?
125 How can I use the COM components in php?
126 How many ways we can give the output to a browser?
127 What is the default session time in php and how can I change it?
128 What changes I have to do in php.ini file for file uploading?
129 What type of headers have to be added in the mail function to attach a file?
130 What is the difference between Reply-to and Return-path in the headers of a mail function?
131 Explain about Type Juggling in php?
132 How can I embed a java program in php file and what changes have to be done in php.ini file?
133 How To Turn On the Session Support in PHP?
134 Explain the ternary conditional operator in PHP?
135 What is the difference between include and require?
136 How many ways can we get the value of current session id?
137 How To Read the Entire File into a Single String?
138 How to split a string into array using php?

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