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#1 2018-04-05 07:03:01

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بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
From: Sahiwal Division
Registered: 2012-03-22
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42 Most Common Online Teachers Interview Questions And Answers

Teaching :: Online Teacheing Job Interview Questions and Answers

Online Teachers Frequently Asked Questions in various Online Teachers job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview

1 Can you explain me how you would motivate someone who was slow in the course?
2 Tell us how do you engage students?
3 Tell us where do you see yourself in a few years?
4 Tell me are you technology proficient?
5 Tell us if a student asked you what the difference between ‘bored’ and ‘boring’ is, how would you answer them?
6 Explain me why do you enjoy teaching?
7 Can you tell us what makes you the best candidate for this position?
8 Tell me what do your parents do for a living?
9 Tell us how has your education supported your ESL teaching experience?
10 Tell us what would you identify as top-notch qualities to be a successful ESL teacher?
11 Explain the situation and how you handled it about a scenario you have dealt with recently in which you had to work with a very difficult student.?
12 What is your teaching philosophy as Online Teacher?
13 Tell us how are you going to fit this into your workload?
14 Tell us how do you anticipate planning your daily lectures while staying on top of your class work?
15 Fresh Online Teachers Job Interview Questions:
16 Basic Online Teachers Job Interview Questions:
17 Tell us how do you plan to communicate with families?
18 Explain me about a time where came up with something creative in your teaching?
19 Tell us your experience teaching online?
20 Explain me have you ever lived abroad before?
21 Tell us how would you deal with a troublesome student?
22 Tell me how much time would you give to a student?
23 Please explain some of your positive guidance strategies?
24 Tell me have you ever had to troubleshoot any problems?
25 Why do you want to work here as Online Teacher?
26 Tell us won’t your family miss you?
27 Tell us what do you do — or plan to do — to maintain discipline in the classroom?
28 Explain me your strengths and weaknesses?
29 Do you know how can ESL teachers ensure they’re being understood?
30 Tell us what did you learn from your TEFL? / Why don’t you have a TEFL?
31 Can you tell us what teaching experience do you have?
32 Tell us about your experiences have you traveled abroad before?
33 Tell us how would you describe your teaching style?
34 Where do you see yourself in a few years as Online Teacher?
35 Explain me your experience with teaching adults?
36 Tell us how well can you manage a class whose first language is not English?
37 Explain me about a time when you disagreed with higher management?
38 Tell us how do you like to spend your free time?
39 Tell us why do you want to come to [insert country name here]?
40 Can you explain what’s your motivation for teaching?
41 Tell me what do you know about [insert country name here]?
42 Tell me how did you hear about this position?

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2018-04-05 07:03:01

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