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135 Most Common Dairy Farmer Interview Questions And Answers

Live Stock :: Dairy Farmer Job Interview Questions and Answers

Dairy Farmer Frequently Asked Questions in various Dairy Farmer job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview

1 What is the average length of standing heat?
2 When should one start recording a heifers heat periods?
3 Name a defect when judging a class of dairy cows which is a disqualification?
4 What is a sign that a heifer is coming into heat?
5 On the Dairy Cow Unified Score Card, what are the four divisions?
6 What form of milk is made by churning of whipping cream?
7 What is the official record of registered animals of a breed kept by the breed association called?
8 What type of soap should be avoided when washing a dairy cow?
9 What are examples of sources of grain protein supplements?
10 What is the seed portion of the plant called?
11 Who calculates the official USDA DHIA Sire Summary?
12 What is a calf over six months of age called?
13 What is the process called when the egg from the cow and the sperm from the bull are joined?
14 How long is a dairy cows gestation period?
15 What is the cows first milk called?
16 How many calories does an 8 ounce glass of whole milk contain?
17 At what age can a heifer be bred?
18 Each protein is made up of several nitrogen compound. What are they called?
19 How much should a calf gain the first month?
20 What is a dairy animal called which has parents or ancestors of different breeds?
21 What percent of a calf’s weight should it receive in colostrum the first 3 days?
22 The back of a dairy cow is made up of what two parts?
23 When the judge is observing the left side of the dairy cow, where should the exhibitor be positioned?
24 What are two causes of calf scours?
25 What is a baby dairy cow called?
26 At what age should a brucellosis vaccination be given to a calf?
27 The lack of which vitamin causes rickets?
28 What is the father of a calf called?
29 What should be dipped in iodine after the birth of a calf?
30 What is an excellent point to blend into on the rear legs when clipping?
31 What is the nutrient that eventually becomes part of muscle, bone and blood?
32 What is the most common breed of dairy cow?
33 What is the process called whereby the fat in milk is broken into very small parts so it will not float to the top?
34 What is the most common of all dairy foods?
35 What is the minimum crude protein a good milk replacer should contain?
36 How often do most heifers and cows come into heat?
37 If a cow is observed in heat in the morning, when should she be bred?
38 What is the average percent protein in cow’s milk?
39 Which vitamin helps to stop bleeding by clotting the blood?
40 What are two pieces of information kept in the Herd Book kept by the breed association?
41 What is an example of a non protein nitrogen (NPN) used as a protein source in dairy feeds?
42 How can extra colostrum be kept?
43 What are two important sire selection tools?
44 Cows of what breed are known for their yellow milk?
45 What two colors is the Holstein breed?
46 What are three of the six nutrients animals need?
47 Which vitamin keeps eye and body cell linings healthy and working?
48 When showing calves and heifers where should the hind foot nearest the judge be when the animal is posed?
49 What is the condition called which results from lack of Vitamin E in the diet?
50 What nutrient acts as a lubricant and regulates body heat?
51 Extra amounts of what vitamin are usually added to milk?
52 What is the process called when a calf is switched from milk or milk replaced to water and dry feed?
53 What role does fiber have in the calf starter ration?
54 What do the letters DHIA stand for?
55 What is a sign which tells that calving is near?
56 How soon before the show should an exhibitor begin fitting and training animals?
57 Switzerland is the origin of what dairy breed?
58 When showing cows, where should the hind foot nearest the judge be when the animal is posed?
59 How many months prior to breeding a heifer should both leptospirosis and vibriosis vaccinations be given?
60 Most of what ingredient is removed from skim milk?
61 Name a piece of equipment used to fit a dairy animal?
62 How much should a Holstein or Brown Swiss heifer weigh at 2 years of age?
63 What is the sire rating for milk of a sire with a predicted difference of above 2000?
64 How will a heifer act when she is in standing heat?
65 What are two types of dairy foods?
66 What is the expected daily weight gain of a Holstein heifer calf from 200-800 pounds?
67 How many feet should be allowed between one showperson and another when circling in the showring?
68 What are two ways to identify a calf?
69 What is selection?
70 In dairy cattle what is the mother called?
71 What purpose is served by covering a dairy show animal with a blanket?
72 What is a male dairy animal called?
73 What breed is the smallest of all the dairy breeds?
74 What management practice helps prevent navel ill in newborn calves?
75 Colostrum has a higher percentage of what nutrients than normal milk?
76 In relation to the grain of the hair, which direction should the tail be clipped?
77 How do dairy producers improve the inherited ability of cattle to produce greater amounts of milk?
78 Oral reasons should not be longer than how many minutes?
79 What are two common baby calf diseases?
80 When posing a dairy cow, why are the back legs set up so the one nearest the judge is one half step forward?
81 The Ayrshire breed of dairy cow first came from what country?
82 One group of mammals eats meat and are called carnivores. What is the group that eats grass and grains called?
83 What breed of dairy cow were first raised on the Island of Guernsey in the English Channel?
84 How long should the cherry hot electric dehorning iron be applied to each horn button on a calf?
85 What is the condition in which large amounts of gas is trapped in a calf’s stomach and the stomach gets big?
86 How many points are given for general appearance, diary character, body capacity, and udder on the Dairy Cow Unified Score Card?
87 What special ingredient in colostrums helps fight infection and disease in the newborn calf?
88 What are the two methods calves can acquire protection against disease?
89 An IBR-PI, pneumonia vaccination should first be given to a calf at what month of age?
90 Before entering the showring, what is a question that the exhibitor should be prepared to answer about the animals?
91 How should all movements and positioning of a dairy animal and her feet be accomplished?
92 When clipping the head and neck of a dairy animal, what two body points are used to clip forward of?
93 What are dairy animals that are officially recorded in the breed association herd book called?
94 When considering sire selection, what does repeatability measure?
95 Name the five body parts considered when evaluating dairy character?
96 What is the meaning of Predicted Difference as it applies to a dairy sire?
97 What dairy product is made by heating milk along with substance called rennet?
98 What’s the major reason a cow may be culled by choice?
99 Which direction should the showperson walk in relation to the cow?
100 What is the process called whereby milk is heated to a high temperature?
101 What are three common breeds of dairy cows in the United States?
102 What hormone is important in the milking process?
103 What is one of the two major reasons a cow would be forced culled?
104 What is considered natures most perfect food?
105 What is the name of cheese with holes?
106 How many points are given to General Appearance on the Dairy Cow Unified Score Card?
107 What is the largest single part of all living things?
108 What are the physical characteristics of a quality fore udder in a dairy cow?
109 What breed of dairy cow came to the United States from Holland?
110 What is a group of dairy cattle called?
111 At what age should a heifer have her first calf?
112 What is the name of one of the 4 compartments of a ruminants stomach?
113 How early should a calf receive colostrums?
114 What is a good source of carotene to provide Vitamin A to cattle?
115 What is a gestation period?
116 What two vitamins is milk high in?
117 What are the names of two kinds of cheese?
118 What is the name of the milk sugar found only in milk?
119 What are the reproduction cells from the two parents called?
120 What is the weight of a newborn calf?
121 What are the two parts of a cows hoof?
122 What does PDCA stand for?
123 How many points does dairy character receive on the Dairy Cow Unified Score Card?
124 Which direction should the cow be led in the ring?
125 What is the advantage of blending colostrums from different cows?
126 The lack of which vitamin causes night blindness in cattle?
127 Milk that has all the water removed is called what?
128 How much does a bushel of shelled corn weigh?
129 What piece of equipment may be used to trip a cows hooves?
130 What are two types of culling in a dairy herd?
131 Urea should not be fed to a calf until it is how old?
132 What are the tiny cells in a cows udder called?
133 What type of bedding is recommended for groups of calves?
134 What is the organ that produces cows milk called?
135 What is another name for Vitamin C?

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