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#1 2017-08-18 04:41:19

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From: Sahiwal Division
Registered: 2012-03-22
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62 Most Common Health Insurance Specialist Interview Question Answers

Insurance :: Health Insurance Specialist Job Interview Questions and Answers

Health Insurance Specialist based Frequently Asked Questions in various Health Insurance Specialist job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting

1 Tell me what do you see as the future of health care?
2 Tell us do you know how to run reports? Can you customize reports?
3 How do you manage rejected or unpaid claims?
4 Explain how do you deal with rejected or unpaid claims?
5 Tell me when you are working on multiple cases at once as a claims specialist, how do you decide which one takes priority over the others?
6 Tell me how would I exceed your expectations on a short-term basis, say, in the first 30 to 60 days on the job?
7 Explain me why did you choose [your sector within health care] as a profession?
8 Explain me what’s your biggest career mistake or failure?
9 Explain me have you worked on insurance or patient accounts receivables?
10 Tell me have you billed or coded for any specialties?
11 Tell us do you have medical-billing certification? If not, are you planning to get certified or are you in the process of getting certified?
12 Have you billed for Medicare and Medicaid?
13 Explain me a situation in which you’ve been required to use your communication skills in order to get the job done?
14 Why did you choose this company as Health Insurance Specialist?
15 Why should we hire you as Health Insurance Specialist?
16 Tell me what Is Your Strategy For Ensuring Accuracy?
17 Explain me are you comfortable working with computers? What types of software do you have experience with?
18 Tell me have you dealt much with insurance companies to resolve issues with unpaid or rejected (denied) claims?
19 Please explain how long does it take you to process a day’s charges?
20 Explain what certifications do you hold?
21 Explain me about the last claim you had denied. What happened, and how did you resolve it?
22 Do you know how to run reports? Can you customize reports?
23 Tell me are you able to use basic software programs like Word and Excel?
24 Tell us do you think insurance companies sometimes play games to see if they can avoid paying claims?
25 Explain me have you ever appealed a denied claim? What’s your process in resolving a denied claim?
26 Please explain are you familiar with Electronic Medical Records (EMR) systems? Which ones have you used. How did you use it?
27 Please explain about a time when you disagreed with a co-worker?
28 Please explain do you know how to submit claims to a clearinghouse? Have you ever set up a provider with a clearinghouse or resolved claim submittal problems with them?
29 Explain have you performed billing activities for Medicaid or Medicare? How was your experience?
30 Explain me about your most hostile patient-collection case. What was the problem you encountered? Were you able to negotiate payment?
31 Tell me have you ever had to negotiate in order to get your way when working in a group?
32 Tell us how long does it take you to process one day’s worth of patient visits or claims?
33 Explain me what practice management or medical claims software do you have experience with?
34 Tell us what Would You Change About Existing Record Systems?
35 Explain me what specialties have you billed or coded for?
36 Explain me how do you deal with difficult or angry patients?
37 Operational and Situational Health Insurance Specialist Interview Questions:
38 Panel based Health Insurance Specialist interview questions:
39 Group based Health Insurance Specialist interview questions:
40 General Health Insurance Specialist interview questions:
41 Phone based Health Insurance Specialist interview questions:
42 Behavioral Health Insurance Specialist interview questions:
43 Difficult Health Insurance Specialist interview questions:
44 Basic Health Insurance Specialist Job Interview Questions:
45 Do you know how to submit claims to a clearinghouse? Have you ever set up a provider with a clearinghouse or resolved claim submittal issues with them?
46 Tell us does your current employer use EMR or EHR?
47 Explain do You Like to Take on New Responsibilities?
48 Tell us the difference between co-pays, deductibles, and co-insurance?
49 Tell us which type of software have you used: Epic, Medisoft or other programs?
50 Are you comfortable working with computers? What types of software do you have experience with?
51 Tell us which forms have you most often used in your current and former positions?
52 Explain me why Are Good Communication Skills Essential in This Field?
53 Explain me are you familiar with HIPAA privacy and security rules?
54 Tell me how important is customer service to you?
55 Explain me what’s your experience in patient collections?
56 Explain what type of certifications do you have?
57 Tell us what’s your strategy and process for appealing a denied claim?
58 Explain me have you billed for Medicare and Medicaid?
59 Explain me what’s your understanding of medical terminology?
60 Explain me what procedure codes are you most familiar with?
61 Explain me how do you keep current with insurance and healthcare coverage changes?
62 Explain me what is your understanding of medical terminology?

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2017-08-18 04:41:19

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