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#1 2017-07-28 05:51:49

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بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
From: Sahiwal Division
Registered: 2012-03-22
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Product Designer Interview Questions And Answers

Designing :: Product Designer Job Interview Questions and Answers

Product Designer based Frequently Asked Questions in various Product Designer job interviews by interviewer. These professional questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answers posed to you. So get preparation for your new job hunting

1 Tell us why Facebook Product Design?
2 Why do you want to work for our company as Product Designer?
3 Tell me how do I make my company name show up when I search it on Google?
4 Tell me what are the best SEO software tools for startups?
5 Tell us what team would you like to be a part of and why?
6 Tell us how do you decide who works on what?
7 Tell me how would you design a to do list?
8 Tell me why develop a new product?
9 Tell us what’s one thing you love and one thing you hate?
10 Tell me how would facebook enter the mobile handset market?
11 Suppose you were starting over, broke, and had 400 dollars to your name, what would be your first steps to make an income?
12 Explain me would a platform that is similar to LinkedIn that focuses more on interests and personal connections be successful?
13 Tell me an example of a problem which you faced on any job that you have had and tell how you went about solving it?
14 Tell me when looking to sell my company, how can I determine its value if it's service based and has no subscription model?
15 Stakeholder’s role in analyzing needs?    a. Answer questions  b. Clarify project mission statement  c. Review and validate models and documents  d. a, c  e. a, b
16 Understanding Stakeholder’s needs are called?    a. Needs analysis  b. Needs elicitation  c. Needs identification  d. All of the mentioned
17 User- centered design comprises of which of these principles?    a. Stakeholder focus  b. Empirical Evaluation  c. Iteration  d. All of the mentioned  e. a, c
18 What are the most common scenarios for resolutions?    a. Designers frequently work bottom up or skip levels of abstraction  b. To specify some part of product design to its physical level details before others are specified  c. Both a, b  d. None of the mentioned
19 Stakeholder’s role for Generate/Improve alternatives?    a. Participate in generation and improvement  b. Answer the question  c. Be subject of emperical studies  d. All of the mentioned
20 What does top down process follows?    a. The overall flow of activity during product design resolution is from higher to lower levels  b. The overall flow of activity during product design resolution is from lower to higher levels  c. All of the mentioned  d. None of the mentioned
21 Product design is mainly?    a. Top-down approach  b. Bottom-up approach  c. None of the mentioned  d. b alone
22 Confirming with stakeholder that a product design satisfies their needs and desires are called?    a. Requirements validation  b. Requirements elicitation  c. Requirements analysis  d. None of the mentioned
23 Lower level of abstraction includes?    a. Product features  b. Functions  c. Properties  d. All of the mentioned
24 Collection of stakeholder’s needs is called?    a. Requirements elicitation  b. Requirements validation  c. Needs Elicitation  d. a, b  e. a, c
25 Top 15 Product Designer Job Interview Questions:
26 Explain me how would you improve our product?
27 Tell me how can you acquire a unique knowledge that sets you apart from your competition and provides high value while gaining attention?
28 Tell us what’s the design culture like?
29 Tell me how well do you know our consumer target market?
30 Tell us when given an important assignment, how do you approach it?
31 Tell me what are some quality examples of companies using lean product cycle?
32 Tell me what are the biggest challenges people face when doing customer discovery?
33 Tell me how do you work with engineers?
34 Do you know what are the boundaries as Product Designer?
35 Tell us what does your day look like?
36 Suppose you are the CEO of Research In Motion. What would you do?
37 Tell us do we have the knowledge as Product Designer?
38 Tell me how can I know when to go with my gut or when to trust the data when making a business decision?
39 Tell us how would you determine the price for piece of wearable technology?
40 Tell me what design considerations did you make while creating the UI spec?
41 Do you know what are the product’s main KPIs?
42 Tell me what is your favorite growth hacking trick?
43 Explain me a little bit about your work experience in this industry?
44 Do you know who is on the team?
45 Tell us do we really need a new product?
46 Do you know what are we missing?
47 Explain how can growth hacking be applied to offline activities?
48 Tell me who is the project leader?
49 Do you know what would be the product’s slogan?
50 Explain me how does the product fit into the product line?

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