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#1 2017-07-05 05:59:12

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بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
From: Sahiwal Division
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Traffic Patrol Officer Interview Questions And Answers

Customer Services :: Traffic Patrol Officer Job Interview Questions and Answers

Traffic Patrol Officer related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as Traffic Patrol Officer. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

1 Tell me about your ability to work under pressure as Traffic Patrol Officer?
2 Tell us why are you leaving last job?
3 Tell us do you have any police record?
4 Tell us what have you done to improve your knowledge since the last year?
5 Explain about your qualifications or academic qualifications?
6 Explain about a major accomplishment you have made with a team of co-workers?
7 Tell me what have you done to prepare for a career in law enforcement?
8 Tell us what do you know about their agency or department?
9 Explain what are your goals?
10 Tell us are you currently participating in any type of personal fitness program?
11 Tell me what field experience do you have for a TRAFFIC OFFICER POSITION?
12 What do you consider to be your biggest weakness as Traffic Patrol Officer?
13 Why do you want to work for our department?
14 Why do you believe we should hire you as Traffic Patrol Officer?
15 Tell me why do you decide to choose your career as a police officer?
16 What knowledge do you have about the company and its work?
17 Suppose another officer and you make a traffic stop in which the driver is subsequently arrested. During the vehicle inventory, a large sum of money is located under the seat. Your partner indicates he is going to keep the money. What do you do?
18 Tell us do you have any medical restrictions which would prevent you from performing a full range of duties?
19 Tell me one example where you did not lose your cool in spite of trying circumstances?
20 Tell me suppose your supervisor gives you a direct order that you know is against department policy. What do you do? What if the order was against the law?
21 Please explain an example of a situation when you had to deal with someone who you perceived was being unreasonable, irate or hostile toward you?
22 What do you see yourself doing in five years as Traffic Patrol Officer?
23 Suppose if selected, the department will make a huge investment in preparing you to serve as an officer. Why should we select you over other candidates?
24 Tell me have you ever been involved in a motor vehicle accident or received a speeding ticket?
25 Tell me what are the various levels that an officer must keep in mind while interacting with a criminal?
26 Tell me why do you want to be a police officer/deputy sheriff/trooper?
27 Tell me have you ever sold illegal drugs?
28 Explain are you happy with your career-to-date?
29 Tell me what have you done to improve your knowledge for a TRAFFIC OFFICER POSITION?
30 Tell me why do you want to be a police officer?
31 Tell us what qualities do you possess?
32 Tell me do you drink alcohol?
33 Tell me are you currently in any financial debt?
34 Basic Traffic Patrol Officer Job Interview Questions:
35 Top 20 Traffic Patrol Officer Job Interview Questions:
36 Tell us are you prepared to work weekends, holidays, unscheduled overtime and nightshifts?
37 Explain me why do you want a career in law enforcement?
38 Explain me what is your employment history?
39 Tell us have you ever been arrested?
40 What are your salary expectations as Traffic Patrol Officer?
41 What do you consider to be your best strength as Traffic Patrol Officer?
42 Tell me is the candidate honest, informed, intelligent and motivated?
43 Tell us do you have any questions or comments?
44 Tell us have you applied to any other law enforcement agencies?
45 Tell me have you ever used an illegal drug?
46 Tell us why do you want to work for our agency?
47 Tell me are you willing to take a (drug, medical, psychological, fitness) test?
48 Tell me what traits do you need to improve upon?
49 Tell me why did you choose a police officer career?
50 Explain me about your military service?

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