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#1 2017-06-18 06:26:46

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بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
From: Sahiwal Division
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International Business Consultant Interview Questions And Answers

Consultation :: International Business Consultant Job Interview Questions and Answers

International Business Consultant related Frequently Asked Questions by expert members with job experience as International Business Consultant. These questions and answers will help you strengthen your technical skills, prepare for the new job interview and quickly revise your concepts

1 Please explain Use Case Model?
2 Tell me in your previous experience, what kind of documents you have created?
3 Explain Application Usability?
4 Tell me what is SQUARE stands for?
5 Explain me have you ever used Kano Analysis in your previous jobs and how do you define it?
6 Tell me how can you differentiate between pool and swimlane?
7 Please explain Agile?
8 Explain me a time when you have been part of a team. Describe challenges you faced as being part of that team. Have you ever challenged a leader/boss, whether at college or in previous work experience?
9 Tell me what are your main strengths? What kind of “strengths” feedback have you received from previous job reviews?
10 Tell me what are your thoughts on ethics in business?
11 Tell us why do you enjoy business development?
12 Explain why do you enjoy working with people so much?
13 Do you know what is a flowchart and why it is important?
14 Tell me what is SaaS?
15 Tell me do you have any idea about Pugh Matrix?
16 Explain the five basic elements' categories in BPMN?
17 Explain me Use Case points?
18 Tell me how would your previous boss/sibling/friends describe you? How about if he/she/they were to describe you in only 1 word (or 3 words, or 5 words)?
19 Tell me what was the last book you read (or film you saw)? Variation: What is your favorite book (or film)?
20 Please explain why do you think you’re good at sales?
21 Tell me do you enjoy working to targets?
22 Explain me how do you go about selling unpopular ideas to people?
23 Tell me what do you like to do on the weekend/for fun/in your spare time?
24 Tell me what is your biggest failure?
25 Tell me would you sacrifice quality to meet a deadline?
26 Tell me what does PEST stand for?
27 Tell me do you know what 8-omega is?
28 Tell me the user centered design methodology?
29 Tell me what is a 100-point method?
30 Do you know what does UML stand for?
31 Tell me what do you think is better, the Waterfall Model or Spiral Model?
32 Tell me what BPMN stands for?
33 Tell me the four key phases of business development?
34 Do you know what does JAD stand for?
35 Tell me the two types of diagrams heavily used in your field?
36 Tell me as a business analyst, what tools, you think are more helpful?
37 Explain what do we mean by SWEBOK?
38 Tell me what are exceptions?
39 Explain what is the difference between Business Analyst and Business Analysis?
40 Please explain how many key areas are there in a Kano Analysis?
41 Tell me what are extends?
42 Tell me what is BPMN Gateway?
43 What is meant by an alternate flow in a use case?
44 Tell me what do you know about GAP Analysis?
45 Tell me what would you do if you had problems with your manager or a fellow consultant on the job?
46 Tell me do you work well under pressure and manage your time well? How do you manage your time?
47 Tell me how do you manage frequently changing customers' requirements while developing any system?
48 Tell me two documents related to a use case?
49 Explain a time you led a team. Describe your leadership style and the obstacles you faced as the team’s leader?
50 Tell me what are your main weaknesses? Weaknesses feedback from previous job reviews?
51 Tell me why did you leave job X or not stay in that field (such as where you did a previous summer internship)?
52 Explain what do you think makes a good salesperson?
53 Tell me what steps are required to develop a product from an idea?
54 Tell me do you have suggestions to make an effective use-case model?
55 Explain an example of when you decided to do something you did not want to do?
56 Tell me was there any situation at work or in college when you regretted acting unethically?
57 Explain me an example of a time when you had to sell an unpopular idea to someone?
58 Tell us how would you get to understand and cater to a prospect’s specific needs?
59 Tell me do you think Activity Diagram is important and how?
60 Explain me how many types of actor can be there in a Use-Case?
61 Tell me what experience on your resume has had the greatest impact on you?
62 What attracted you to this role as International Business Consultant?
63 Explain me what’s your ideal working environment?
64 Differentiate between the Fish Model and V Model?
65 Tell me what FMEA stands for?
66 Tell me how do you define Personas?
67 Explain Pair-Choice Technique?
68 Tell me what INVEST stands for?
69 Tell me what is your biggest accomplishment?
70 Explain what do you enjoy most/least about teamwork?
71 Please explain how would you identify a new market to enter?
72 Tell me what is OLTP Systems?
73 Tell me in your words, what is database transaction?
74 Tell me did you get an offer to return from your previous summer internship?
75 Tell me what is Pareto Analysis?
76 Tell me can you define mis-use case?
77 Explain me Scrum Method?
78 Explain me BCG Matrix?
79 Tell me do you have any idea about Agile Manifesto?
80 Explain me Benchmarking?
81 Tell us what motivates you in your work?

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