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#1 2017-06-17 06:30:13

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بِسمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحمٰنِ الرَّحيمِ
From: Sahiwal Division
Registered: 2012-03-22
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HIV Consultant Interview Questions And Answers

Consultation :: HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions and Answers

HIV Consultant Frequently Asked Questions in various HIV Consultant job interviews by interviewer. The set of questions are here to ensures that you offer a perfect answer posed to you. So get preparation for your new job interview

1 Tell us can I get a vaccine to prevent HIV infection or AIDS?
2 Do you know where can we find updated statistics on HIV and AIDS?
3 Tell me how is HIV spread during injection drug use?
4 Tell me how is HIV spread during oral sex?
5 Explain me are women who have sex with women at risk for HIV infection?
6 Tell me can I get HIV from kissing?
7 Explain me is there a test for HIV infection?
8 Tell me should I wait for symptoms to appear before getting tested?
9 Explain what would you bring to the practice?
10 Tell us what are your goals and objectives?
11 Tell me why are women at higher risk for HIV?
12 Tell me why do some people live longer than others?
13 Explain me why are some infants born positive but later test negative?
14 Explain me what is HIV and what is AIDS?
15 Tell me how many people are living with HIV and AIDS?
16 Tell me how is HIV spread from one person to another?
17 Explain me how is HIV spread during vaginal sex?
18 Tell us can a person with HIV who has an undetectable viral load pass HIV to someone else?
19 Tell me who should get tested for HIV?
20 Explain do male and female condoms provide the same protection against HIV?
21 PERSONAL ATTRIBUTES Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
22 MANAGEMENT & NHS ISSUES Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
23 ANAESTHESIA Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
24 ANAESTHESIA (PAIN) Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
25 GENERAL SURGERY Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
26 ICU / ANAESTHESIA Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
27 ANAESTHETICS (TRAUMA INTEREST) Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
28 RADIOLOGY Based Consultant Job Interview Questions:
29 ENT (PAEDIATRIC INTERESTS) Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
31 CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
32 RADIOLOGY Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
33 HISTOPATHOLOGY Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
34 BREAST RECONSTRUCTION Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
36 GASTROENTEROLOGY Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
37 ENT Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
38 ANAESTHETICS (INTEREST IN PAIN) Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
39 ORTHOPAEDICS (SPINAL SURGERY) Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
40 ANAESTHESIA & ITU Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
41 MICROBIOLOGY Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
42 TEACHING Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
43 BACKGROUND, TRAINING, THE JOB & MOTIVATION Based as HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
44 CARDIOLOGY (ELECTROPHYSIOLOGY) Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
45 GENERAL ADULT PSYCHIATRY Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
46 SURGERY Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
47 HISTOPATHOLOGY Based Consultant Job Interview Questions:
48 ONCOLOGY (BREAST & UROLOGY) Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
49 PAEDIATRICS Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
50 PATHOLOGY Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
51 PAEDIATRIC ANAESTHESIA/PICU Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
52 OBSTETRICS & GYNAECOLOGY Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
53 NEONATOLOGY Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
54 RESEARCH Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
55 DERMATOLOGY Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
56 CLINICAL GOVERNANCE & SAFE PRACTICE Based HIV Consultant Job Interview Questions:
57 Tell me what is your biggest career mistake or failure?
58 Explain me what are the symptoms of HIV?
59 Tell me who is at risk for getting HIV?
60 Explain what is the status of the HIV/AIDS epidemic in New York State?
61 Tell me can injecting vitamins, steroids, hormones, or insulin put me at risk for HIV infection?
62 Tell me does having a sexually transmitted disease (STD) affect my risk of getting HIV?
63 Explain can a person with HIV who is not sick or who has no symptoms pass HIV to someone else?
64 Tell us what is the difference between anonymous and conidential testing?
65 Tell me why did you choose [your sector within health care] as a profession?
66 Tell me where do opportunistic infections and cancers occur?
67 Do you know how long can people live with HIV or AIDS?
68 Tell me what diseases are associated with HIV?
69 Tell me where do you see yourself in five to ten years?
70 Tell me what kind of salary are you looking for?
71 Tell me can I get HIV from a human bite?
72 Explain me how is HIV spread during anal sex?
73 Tell me can a woman who has HIV pass the virus to her baby?
74 Tell me is there a 100% effective way to prevent sexual transmission of HIV?
75 Explain me can 2 infected people have unprotected sex?
76 Please explain why did you go into medicine?
77 Tell me can I get HIV from a mosquito bite?
78 Tell me does sexual contact with many partners increase my risk of getting HIV?
79 Tell me is there a cure for HIV or AIDS?
80 Tell me what is the correct way to use a condom?
81 Explain me your experience and skills?
82 Tell me how do you react under pressure?
83 Tell me does everyone who is exposed to HIV get infected?
84 Tell me is it easy to get HIV?

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