Sales Executive Import Interview Questions & Answers
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Elevate your Sales Executive Import interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 39 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Sales Executive Import interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Access the free PDF to get all 39 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Sales Executive Import interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

39 Sales Executive Import Questions and Answers:

Sales Executive Import Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

Sales Executive Import Job Interview Questions and Answers
Sales Executive Import Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Can you tell me how the employee reacted?

Keep all of these answers as short as possible. E.g. "He was upset but expressed his understanding and appreciation for how I handled the issue"

2 :: What do you mean by Collection?

It is the process of collecting money for a merchant against a draft drawn on a bargain hunter abroad.

3 :: Can you tell me how your supervisor reacted?

E.g. "As he often does, my supervisor expressed his gratitude." This answer implies that I must often do things that deserve thanks.

4 :: What is Certificate of Origin?

Certificate of Origin is a kind of documents in which the certification of the merchandise is made as the origin of the country.

5 :: Tell me what is Chamber of Commerce?

It is an association of businessmen whose reason is to endorse money-making and industrial happiness in the community.

6 :: May we contact your present employer?

"Yes. Provided you're offering me the position, I'd be happy for you to talk with my present employer." You would do well not to bug your boss with a phone call or e-mail to answer every interviewer asking questions about you.

7 :: Do you know what is Clean Bill of Lading?

It is a bill signed by the transportation company. Its work is to check the process of shipment in the good and appropriate conditions.

8 :: Can you tell me what year and month that happened and at which job?

This question implies that the company might be validating this information in some way, and the candidate could suddenly feel a bit of uneasiness, especially if the answer was difficult to recall or deviated from the truth.

9 :: What if we lost an employee and your workload temporarily increased?

I would concentrate on being as efficient as possible in order to perform all important work at my highest level. Do you have a high turnover rate here?

10 :: What kind of people do you have a difficult time working with?

"I enjoy a diversity of personality types, but don't work well with dishonest people who are not team players." Then before the interviewer has chance to ask tough questions about your experiences with these types of people, two questions you can ask: "Are your team all honest and team players?", or "Do you have any difficult characters in your team?"
Again, find out if they have a hidden agenda or skeletons in the closet, and move the spotlight away from you and this uncomfortable area.

11 :: What would you say if you were asked to work late on a Friday evening?

I would volunteer to do whatever it took to get the job done. Of course if this was a regular occurance, it would usually indicate poor planning. Do you have emergency situations often?

12 :: Can you tell me about a past situation where you found a creative solution to a tough problem?

Here's your big opportunity to shine. The tougher the problem and, the better your solution, the better you look. Just keep it under five sentences. This one is so important that you want to write it down - at least in outline.

13 :: Are you happy with your current/previous employer?

If you like your boss, this question's a breeze to answer, you can sing their praises.
What if your boss makes Hitler look like a kindergarden teacher? You have NOTHING to gain by telling your interviewer that your ex or current boss is an asshole.
"My boss and I have a dynamic relationship. We're very different kinds of people, and although it was a challenge to start with, it's taught me to (insert a lesson or two here). I'm in a company to work, learn and grow. Can I ask if you have any personality challenges in this department?" Lessons to smart bosses are more important than the experiences.

14 :: Can you tell me about a time when you had to choose between honesty and dishonesty and how you made your decision?

I made that choice when I was in elementary school, and honesty has not been a "decision" since. Have you had issues with dishonest employees?

15 :: Can you tell me about a time when you had a problem employee, what the specific problem was, and how you handled it?

I had an employee who was part of an IT team who was always grossly late for meetings. I explained to him privately, how he was inconveniencing his coworkers and costing the company money. After this had no effect, I simply excluded him from the meeting discussing the team bonus program. When he questioned me, I informed him that promptness was a factor of the reward. He was not late again.

16 :: What would you do if you knew one of your coworkers was stealing from the company?

I would report this situation to my supervisor. Is employee theft a problem here?

17 :: What would you boss say are your 2 worst characteristics?

Double whammy question. Not only do you have to talk about a weakness, but you have to second guess your bosses views.
You could sidestep this question and suggest that: "If you're serious about offering me this position, then I suggest you contact my boss to ask him/her."
I prefer taking this bull by the horns: "Not being a mind-reader, I can tell you what he/she has said to me." Then refer back to point 3 above. You'll seldom have to answer this question and point 3 in the same interview.
I like following up with: "May I ask if any kinds of employee traits have or are providing a challenge to performance?"
Turn the spotlight back on your interviewer to find out if there was something behind their question. Better you find out now and not after you've joined...

18 :: Import Sales Executive Job Interview Questions Part Ten:

► What kind of people do you find it most difficult to work with? Why?
► Do you prefer working alone or in a group?
► How do you evaluate success?
► What do you think it takes to be successful in sales & marketing?
► What accomplishments in your life have given you the most satisfaction?
► Would your rather work with information or with people?
► What motivates you?
► Why should we hire you?
► Tell me about one of your most recent goals and what you did to achieve it
► What are your short-term goals?
► What is your long-range objective?
► Have you ever had a conflict with a boss, etc? How did you resolve it?
► What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have?
► Are you willing to travel? How much?
► Is money or career more important to you? Why?
► We are looking for a role where in another 6 to 8 months depending the performance, the selected candidate should be able to manage a team of 30 people or more, could you manage this chore, if so how would you?
► If selected we will put you on the field tomorrow, to evaluate your confidence of speaking to people, are you comfortable with it?

19 :: Import Sales Executive Job Interview Questions Part Eight:

► Why do u want to change your field from XYZ to this industry
► What do you think is different between a goal and an ambition? (Expected response can be-Goals need to be SMART and Ambition is volatile and if your ambitious it helps you to achieve your goal)
► Did you get an opportunity to work under pressure, if yes please elaborate?
► What are some of the things you feel you have done particularly well in your job or in which you have achieved the greatest success? Why do you
feel this way?
► What are the things, you may want to avoid in a job? Why?
► What kind of people do you find it most difficult to work with? Why?
► Do you prefer working alone or in a group?
► How do you evaluate success?
► What do you think it takes to be successful in sales & marketing?
► What accomplishments in your life have given you the most satisfaction??
► Would your rather work with information or with people?
► What motivates you?
► Why should we hire you?
► Tell me about one of your most recent goals and what you did to achieve it
► What are your short-term goals?
► What is your long-range objective?
► Have you ever had a conflict with a boss, etc? How did you resolve it?
► What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have?
► Are you willing to travel? How much?
► Is money or career more important to you? Why?
► give me a example from your past experience where you have proved your leadership role.

20 :: Import Sales Executive Job Interview Questions Part Nine:

► What are your career goals/ career aspirations?
► How do you plan to achieve these goals?
► How will this job help you to achieve your career goals?
► What kind of job do you see yourself holding five years from now?
► What do you feel you need to develop in terms of skill & knowledge in order to excel in your job?
► Why do you think you will be successful in this role?
► What would you like to accomplish if you had this job?
► What are your strengths and areas of improvement?
► Where do you see yourself 5 years from now
► Can you share any past positive experience that has created an impact in your career?
► Who or what in your life has influenced you most in relation to your career growth? Why
► what skills would be required to excel in this job?
► Why do u want to change your field from XYZ to this industry
► What do you think is different between a goal and an ambition? (Expected response can be-Goals need to be SMART and Ambition is volatile and if your ambitious it helps you to achieve your goal)
► Did you get an opportunity to work under pressure, if yes please elaborate?
► What are some of the things you feel you have done particularly well in your job or in which you have achieved the greatest success? Why do you
feel this way?
16. What are the things, you may want to avoid in a job? Why?

21 :: Import Sales Executive Job Interview Questions Part Seven:

► What are your career goals/ career aspirations?
► How do you plan to achieve these goals?
► How will this job help you to achieve your career goals?
► What kind of job do you see yourself holding five years from now?
► What do you feel you need to develop in terms of skill & knowledge in order to excel in sales marketing?
► What kind of job responsibility you will like to be indulged in near future?
► Why do you think you will be successful in this role?
► What would you like to accomplish, if you got this job?
► What are your strengths and areas of improvement?
► Where do you see yourself 5 years from now
► Can you share any past positive experience that has created an great impact in your career?
► Who or what in your life has influenced you most in relation to your career growth? Why
► what skills would be required to excel in this job?

22 :: Import Sales Executive Job Interview Questions Part Six:

► What motivates you?
► Why should we hire you?
► Tell me about one of your most recent goals and what you did to achieve it.
► What are your short-term goals?
► What is your long-range objective?
► Have you ever had a conflict with a boss, etc? How did you resolve it?
► What qualities do you feel a successful manager should have?
► What do you know about our company?
► If given an opportunity would you like to relocate to a new city?
► Are you willing to travel? How much?
► Is money or career more important to you? Why?

23 :: Import Sales Executive Job Interview Questions Part Five:

► What skills do you think is required to excel in this job?
► Why do you want to change your field from XYZ to this industry?
► What do you think is different between a goal and an ambition? (Expected response can be-Goals need to be SMART and Ambition is volatile and if your ambitious it helps you to achieve your goal)
► Did you get an opportunity to work under pressure, if yes please elaborate?
► What are some of the things you feel you have done particularly well in your job or in which you have achieved the greatest success? Why do you feel this way?
► What are the things, you may want to avoid in a job? Why?
► What kind of people do you find it most difficult to work with? Why?
► Do you prefer working alone or in a group?
► How do you evaluate success?
► What do you think it takes to be successful in sales & marketing?
► What accomplishments in your life have given you the most satisfaction??
► Would your rather work with information or with people?

24 :: Import Sales Executive Job Interview Questions Part Four:

► What are your career goals/ career aspirations?
► How do you plan to achieve these goals?
► How will this job help you to achieve your career goals?
► What kind of job do you see yourself holding five years from now?
► What do you feel you need to develop in terms of skill & knowledge in order to excel in your job?
► Why do you think you will be successful in this role?
► What would you like to accomplish, if you got this job?
► What are your strengths and areas of improvement?
► Where do you see yourself 5 years from now
► Can you share any past positive experience that has created an impact in your career?
► Who or what in your life has influenced you most in relation to your career growth? Why?

25 :: Import Sales Executive Job Interview Questions Part Three:

► What are your short-term goals?
► What is your long-range objective?
► How much training do you think you'll need to become a great sales & Marketing person?
► Are you willing to travel to different places in India & abroad? Why?
► Is money or career more important to you? Why?
► you look very smart and confident, however haven't you got place through your campus?
► What kind of people did you find most difficult to get along with? Why?
► Why should we hire you?
Sales Executive Import Interview Questions and Answers
39 Sales Executive Import Interview Questions and Answers