Team Lead SEO Interview Questions And Answers
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Prepare comprehensively for your SEO Team Lead interview with our extensive list of 145 questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in SEO Team Lead. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Download the free PDF to have all 145 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure you're interview-ready.
145 SEO Team Lead Questions and Answers:
SEO Team Lead Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: Do you know what is SEO and introduce its types?
Search engine optimization or SEO is a process of keep changing the position of a web page or website in a search engine results by using keywords or phrases.
Two Types of SEO are:
On Page Optimization
Off Page Optimization
Read MoreTwo Types of SEO are:
On Page Optimization
Off Page Optimization
2 :: Tell me what is the main purpose of using keyword in SEO?
Keyword is a single word, and while a combination of those keywords makes phrases. These keywords or phrases are used by the search engines to populate the subjects over the internet. Search engine stores keywords in the database, and when search is done, it will come up with the best possible match.
Read More3 :: Tell me how many characters limits in Title tag?
We can add 70 characters in title tag.
Read More4 :: Explain can you mention the difference between SEO and SEM?
SEM (Search Engine Marketing), it is used for the promotion of website through Search Engine Result Page (SERP) , while to optimize the search result of your webpage or website SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is used.
Read More5 :: Tell me what is Page Segmentation?
Page segmentation is all about to track the site visitors like which are the landing pages and exit pages. So that you can have a brief idea that how can you improve exit pages content and design to make it more convenient for the landing user.
Read More6 :: Explain what is difference between +1 button and +1 project?
+1 button is similar to like button for example you can recommend a page to others by +1 button. Nowadays. its showing in Google SERP near to Title. Google + project is social media website similar to Facebook and we can say competitor of Facebook.
Read More7 :: Tell me how do you go about building your links?
Start building links from off page categories like from blog post, social bookmarking, image submission, article submission and many more also we can submit links in search engine submission directories
Read More9 :: Tell me what are Spiders, Robots and Crawlers and what are their functions?
Spiders, robot and crawler, they are all same and referred by different names. It is a software program that follows, or "Crawls" different links throughout the internet, and then grabs the content from the sites and adds to the search engine indexes.
Read More10 :: Explain something about Black Hat SEO?
In order to get a high ranking in search engine result page, websites go for various methods and techniques which are characterized by two categories. One method that is acceptable by search engine guidelines is known as White Hat SEO, while the other method which is not acceptable by search engine guidelines is known as Black Hat SEO.
Read More11 :: Do you know what is the meaning of competitive analysis?
Competitive analysis does the comparison, between the website I am optimizing, and the website that is ranked highly in search results.
Read More12 :: Explain what methods would you apply for decreasing the loading time of a website?
I would use external style sheets, less images (unless necessary), optimize the images and decrease the file sizes of the image without reducing the quality of the image, use CSS sprites to reduce HTTP requests etc.
Read More13 :: Do you know in Google Lore - What are 'Hilltop', 'Florida', and 'Big Daddy'?
Hilltop: An old and often contested algorithm that calculates PageRank based on expert documents and topical relevancy. The theory behind it was to decrease the possibility of manipulation from buying high PR links from off topic pages.
Florida: The highly controversial update implemented by Google in November of 2003, much to the chagrin of many seasonal retail properties.
Big Daddy: A test data center used by Google to preview algorithm changes.
Read More14 :: Tell us what are your favorite ways of attracting natural backlinks to your site?
Having user friendly content on the site is the best way to attract natural backlinks but one of my favorite ways of attracting natural backlinks is by offering free widgets and free infographics to my audience.
Read More15 :: Explain what is the difference between HTML sitemaps and XML sitemaps?
HTML sitemaps are created for the user and contains a basic structure for displaying all the pages of the website in a hierarchy. XML sitemaps are created for the search engines and helps a search engine bot to easily cache, index and discover new pages.
Read More16 :: Tell me what do you know about Google Panda update?
The Panda update was done to improve the quality of search results in Google. Panda update also known as the farmer update was done to eliminate content farms which provided less user friendly experience. It used machine language scalability as one of the important metrics for judging relevancy of a web page. All the focus was transformed on the user and now quality content , proper design, proper speed, proper use of images and videos, content to ad ratio all mattered more after the Panda update. You need to optimize your site for better clickthrough rate and a less bounce rate.
Read More17 :: Do you know what are Meta Tags?
HTML meta tags are usually referred as tags of page data which sits between opening and closing head tags of a document's HTML code. Actually these are hidden keywords who sit in the code. These are invisible to visitors but are visible and readable by Search Engines.
<title>Not considered as Meta Tag, even required anyway</title>
<meta name="description" content="Write your description here" />
<meta name="keywords" content="Write your keyword here" />
Read MoreExample:
<title>Not considered as Meta Tag, even required anyway</title>
<meta name="description" content="Write your description here" />
<meta name="keywords" content="Write your keyword here" />
18 :: Tell me what are the different techniques used in Offpage SEO?
There are lots of techniques used in Offpage SEO work. Major Techniques are:
☛ Directory Submission
☛ Social Bookmarking
☛ Blog Post
☛ Article Post
☛ Press Release Submission
☛ Forum Posting
☛ Yahoo Answer
☛ Blog Comment
☛ Deep link Directory Submission
☛ Regional Directory Submission and all that
Read More☛ Directory Submission
☛ Social Bookmarking
☛ Blog Post
☛ Article Post
☛ Press Release Submission
☛ Forum Posting
☛ Yahoo Answer
☛ Blog Comment
☛ Deep link Directory Submission
☛ Regional Directory Submission and all that
19 :: Explain me some Black Hat SEO techniques?
Some Black Hat SEO techniques are:
☛ Keyword Stuffing
☛ Cloaking
☛ Doorway Pages or Gateway Pages
☛ Link Farming
☛ Hidden Text, etc.
Read More☛ Keyword Stuffing
☛ Cloaking
☛ Doorway Pages or Gateway Pages
☛ Link Farming
☛ Hidden Text, etc.
20 :: Explain what do you know about Black Hat SEO?
In order to attain High Ranking in search engine result page, websites go for various methods and techniques which are characterized by two categories.
The method which are implemented and acceptable according to search engine guidelines are White Hat SEO, on the other hand, the method which are less acceptable or instructed to avoid in search engine guidelines are "Black Hat SEO".
Read MoreThe method which are implemented and acceptable according to search engine guidelines are White Hat SEO, on the other hand, the method which are less acceptable or instructed to avoid in search engine guidelines are "Black Hat SEO".
21 :: Can you differentiate 'nofollow' and 'dofollow'?
Nofollow link is exactly vice-versa of dofollow link. These are noncrawling link which are not passed by search engines bot and hence can't be cached or indexed. It is obvious when we wish to prevent a link from crawlingand indexing.
Dofollow link is a kind of hyperlink which says all search engines crawlers to pass through which also put an impact over page rank. When we opt to employ or attempt to achieve a dofollow link then it is counted by search engines and sits in the eye of Google, Bing, MSN, Yahoo etc. as a backlink for your website and
enhances your site ranking
Read MoreDofollow link is a kind of hyperlink which says all search engines crawlers to pass through which also put an impact over page rank. When we opt to employ or attempt to achieve a dofollow link then it is counted by search engines and sits in the eye of Google, Bing, MSN, Yahoo etc. as a backlink for your website and
enhances your site ranking
22 :: Tell me what are the advantages of submitting sites to search directories?
By submitting to a search directory, you get a back link to your web site. When your site is listed in search directories, this increases the chances that search engines will index it sooner, compared to when it is not listed. Submitting to search directories is a good Web marketing initiative. Because that increases the chances of having your web site index and when your site is listed in a search directory, you list its URL as well, so you actually get a valuable link
Submitting to search directories neither gets higher ranking nor gets your web site certified.
Read MoreSubmitting to search directories neither gets higher ranking nor gets your web site certified.
23 :: Tell me some SEO practices?
Building back links. Rewriting the titles to include the target keywords, Rewriting dynamic URLs into static.
Read More24 :: Explain which is the most important area to include your keywords?
Page title and Body text are the most important areas where we can include keywords for the SEO purpose.
Read More25 :: Tell me what is 301 redirect?
It is a method of redirecting user from the old page url to the new page url. 301 redirect is a permanent redirect and is helpful in passing the link juice from the old url to the new url.
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