SAP SD Interview Preparation Guide

Refine your SAP SD interview skills with our 17 critical questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in SAP SD. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Access the free PDF to get all 17 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your SAP SD interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

17 SAP SD Questions and Answers:

1 :: How does company knows that vendor deliver the goods to the customer in third party sales process?

The vendor delivers the goods directly to the customer and
invoices the company. The customer receives an invoice from
the company’s sales office.
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2 :: What are the documents Vendor will be sending to Customer in Third Party Sales?

Vendor will issue an delivery and Posts goods issue document to the customer in third party sales

3 :: Why sales order we need to create? when we create delivery and billing without sales order? what is the importance of sales order?

1:- Sales order is an electronic document where we can
store the customer requirement.

2:- We need to create only Delivery & Billing in case of
Delivery without reference ( Delivery type LO) t-code (
Vl01NO). Where is ask only
Shipping Poing/ Delivery Type/ And Sales Area
Then reference to the Delivery you can make the Billing.

3:- The sales order is controlled by Sales document type.
The sales document types represent the different business
transactions in Sales and perform a central controlling
function for the entire sales order process. The definition
and configuration of sales document types can be divided
into three parts

4 :: What is the diff between sto,inter company and 3rd party sale process?

For STO following are the minimum requirement
The material code should be same at delivering
plant and receiving plant.
Material to be transferred should be created in both the
Supplying plant is to be created as Plant as Vendor for the
receiving plant.
Receiving Plant has to be created as Customer.
STO pricing procedure to be maintained.
If requirement are fullfilled STO is generated by receiving
plant using docs type NB, sto generated then Delivery,
commercial invoice & excise invoice
While in 3rd party sales it is E1 transaction
Distributor raise PO on manufacturing plant on behalf of
delear,material supplied to delear by manufacturing plant,
delear issue form E-1 to manufacure on receipt of goods &
make payment to distributor who will transfer to
manufacture, cst exempted so we can say distributor is sold
to party & delear is ship to party. Other part is same
delivery commercial invoice & excise invoice, in sto
pricing procedure is as per cast auditors certificate

5 :: What is use of sub total in pricing procedure?

Sub-total is used as starting point for further calculation.
Example ;Condition type VPRS is linked to subtotal "B" s
(carry over value to KOMP-WAVWR). This indicate that the
value of this condition type will be passed to some other
fields which in turn can be used for statistical
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6 :: After pgi completed what happens?

Once PGI Done then it will
1. Reduce delivery Requirement / Ware house Stock
2. Update inventory account
3. Update Document Flow
4. Update status of documents
5. Generated Billing Due list.

7 :: What are the tools are uses to get the tickets?

Ticketing tools are:
Solution Manager

8 :: IN sales order for a line item for that material i want the updated price for that particular line item instead of every time going to vk11 and changing the price for that
material i want the updated price for eg if the material cost is 100 rs and updated price is 110 rs i want the updated price to be trigger for that material when we give
that in va01 with out maintaing in vk11?

In sales order select the line for which u want to change
and click on conditions tab, their u can see an option
'update'. click on it and double click on carry out new
pricing it will take back to ur conditions screen, their
again u enter the condition type and new price which ever u
want to change. after doing this if system throws an error
'no manual entries possible' then go to that condition type
controls in changes which can be made section in the field
manual entries give 'C' manual entris has priority save it
and follw the above procedure.

9 :: On which conditions we can determine pricing procedure and how condition types and access sequence actually work?

For Determine the pricing prodecure we need to follow the
condition technique.
There are some basic elements combine to make the pricing
like :_
1:- pricing
2:- Discount & Surcharge
3:- Freight
4:- Taxes

All these works upon certion condition technique :-

a):-We need to define condition table which is a
combination of fields . these are required for maintain
condion record.
B):- Define access Sequesce ( It is the search strategy)
And need to assign the condition table to it. as per the
required. there are n numbers of condtion tables we can
assign .
C):- Define Condition type . And assign the access sequence
to it. ( One one access sequence will assign to once
condition type.
d):- Define pricing prodecure ( you define which condition
types should be taken into account and in which sequence).

Then determine the pricing procedure :-

Sales Area ( Sales org, Dist Channel , Division)
Customer procing procedure from Customer master record
Document Pricing procedure from the order/Billing type.

10 :: What is the difference between item cat group and general item cat group?

Both have a role to paly in the sales documentation .
Item category group refers to the material type and to
which material charecteristics does this belong and is
configured in MM02 in basic data 1 tab where as Item
category group is from the sales porspective which is
defined in sales org 1 tab or in vov7
Based on the Genral Item category group one can define
the item category group
Eg : In the general Item Category goup is given as BANS
then the item category group is TAS AND IN Sales docment we
can clearly understand that that the line item material
belongs to Third party and should have a purchase
requisation created for this in schdule lines

Similaryly if the Genaral Item Category Group is given as
ERLA then the corresponding item category group is TAQ
which refers that this line item will have set of
components associated and has pricing associated
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