SAP NetWeaver Interview Preparation Guide

Sharpen your SAP NetWeaver interview expertise with our handpicked 12 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your SAP NetWeaver expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Get the free PDF download to access all 12 questions and excel in your SAP NetWeaver interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.
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12 SAP NetWeaver Questions and Answers:

1 :: How to trigger the idoc?

We can trigger the idoc by using Tcode - WE19
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2 :: What is the SAP?

SAP stands for System Analysis and Program Development.

SAP's Business Suite has four applications as below:

1..customer relationship management (CRM) - helps companies
acquire and retain customers, gain marketing and customer
2..product lifecycle management (PLM) - helps manufacturers
with product-related information chain management (SCM) - helps companies with the
process of resourcing its manufacturing and service processes
4..supplier relationship management (SRM) - enables
companies to procure from suppliers
5..enterprise resource planning (ERP)

3 :: Who will prepare the functional spec?

Functional Spec derives from Software requirements.
Software requirement derives from Marketing requirements.
MRs will be prepared by Business Analysts with help of
So, Functional Spec is a small piece of requirement to fill
business requirement. Finally the Functionality will be
validated/Verified against MRs tested by End User during
user acceptency testing.
Finally, S/W Functional specs will be prepared by Process
Owners / Business Analysts.

4 :: Where do we find the idoc in xi?

Integration repository --> Imported objects ---> Idoc.

5 :: Does the idoc is created in XI?

To use a idoc in xi . The idoc should be imported from
sapR/3. It should be done in integration repository.When u
enter into integration repository choose the radio button
import objects RFC/IDOC.
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6 :: What is the use of metadata? Can we create that?

Metadata or message Metadata provides the structure
definition of XI message .
can be created in IR . which is called as Message Type.

7 :: How to connect source system to bw? in real time
give me simple tickets?

goto t-code sm58

8 :: Suppose I have IDoc to file Scenaio is there. In that
why dont you create sender agreement for this scenario.
Please let me know proper reason.?

This is because, the IDOC communication exists between SAP
system and PI system. In case of sender being SAP system,
the RFC destination are created at SAP end and the IDOC is
directly posted into the PI system port through Native
Communication. Hence no Sender agreement is required.

9 :: What is inbound proxy and out bound proxy?

Inbound proxy is server proxy and outbound proxy is
client proxy.
In client server architecture let me explain, that someone
is sending request for data then that someone will be
server and that is through proxy and client will fulfill
this requirement and send the responce back through proxy
that is outbound proxy.

10 :: What is message monitoring, component monitoring and performance monitoring.?

Message monitoring is to monitor status of message that if
it is successful or in waiting state, or tobedelivered or
if it is in error at what point it is in error and to
review all the steps of message in Adapter engine or
integration engine with payload.

Component monitoring means majorly to monitor status of
communication channels that they are flowing data properly
or not, status of adapter engine etc.

Performance Monitoring is to monitor instance of servers
for each and every interface.
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