Public Relations Assistant Interview Preparation Guide

Prepare comprehensively for your Public Relations Assistant interview with our extensive list of 76 questions. Each question is designed to test and expand your Public Relations Assistant expertise. Suitable for all experience levels, these questions will help you prepare thoroughly. Dont miss out on our free PDF download, containing all 76 questions to help you succeed in your Public Relations Assistant interview. Its an invaluable tool for reinforcing your knowledge and building confidence.

76 Public Relations Assistant Questions and Answers:

1 :: Explain me how would you balance advocacy and objectivity?

Part of PR is promoting your organization without deceiving the public. This is another situation where honesty is important. You don’t have to tell consumers every single detail of what the organization is doing but you should always report what is relevant to them with as little bias as possible. If you’re part of an organization you believe in, stating the facts in a positive way will be more than enough.
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2 :: Tell us what skills do you have that would help communicate a client’s message?

Here’s a great opportunity to talk about your experience, what you’ve learned, and what skills you took away. Be prepared with specific examples or anecdotes about how you communicated a message for a client in the past. Stress your writing skills and other communications skills, especially if you have video production and editing skills.

3 :: Tell me what do you understand by public relations?

Public relations is a profession that looks after the reputation of a personality or a company. public relations specialists work with the aim of helping the company and its customers earn mutual understanding. PR is a planned and continuous effort of establishing and maintaining goodwill of any organization or person.

This job is created to provide positive publicity to a company's clients and enhance its reputation. A perfect PR must have the knowledge of some important factors such as persuasion, information, communication, public opinion and public policies.

4 :: Tell me how would you balance advocacy and objectivity?

Public relations is more about building your client's reputation but at the same time you need to be honest at some places as you cannot cheat your audience. A customer does not require each and every information of your organization but he should be given what is in his interest.

Advocacy is more about presenting information in a transparent manner. So, being a public relations specialist, you need to be transparent wherever it is important to be, but you need to remain objective at times too, as it is stated earlier that your audience does not require every detail of the company. It is all about balancing the reputation without compromising on the facts.

5 :: Explain me what is a PR Crisis? How would you deal with one?

PR crisis is the situation that arises when an organization or individual is facing a challenge to its reputation. It can happen because of an unpredictable event threatens can seriously impact an organization's performance and generate negative outcomes.

If I would be in any of such crisis I would follow the steps that are mentioned below.

I will be finding out what exactly the crisis is and will note down every detail of it.
Base on the happenings there has to be plan of action. So, I'll evaluate my requirements and options.

Based on these, I will address the relevant audience.

The organization should accept their mistake if they went wrong somewhere as public is more willing to forgive an honest mistake than a calculated lie.

It is important to be demonstrative because the media as well as the public will have their own assumptions if no information is given to them by the organization in crisis.

I should show my concern to the public as they must know that we care because people will be more forgiving if it is clear that the organization cares about the victims of the crisis.

Maintain two-way relationships as it is important to know the status of public opinion by listening.
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6 :: Do you know what is a press release?

A press release is a short news story written by a public relations professional and is sent to different media houses.. The press release must have all the essential information including answers of the 5W and 1H (who? what? where? when? how? and why?) for the journalist to easily produce his own story.

7 :: Explain me what do you mean by Public Relations?

Public Relations are a higher level of communication strategy where in we take our client's brand ahead by being activists and consultants. We understand the client’s product and industry where he wants or decides to grow and this is achieved through various tools. The most important of the tools, being media which includes the following: Print, broadcast, online and now digital.

Public Relations is a non paid form of communication that will create and enhance the reputation of a company to the world especially stakeholders, investors, dealers, suppliers, customers etc.

8 :: Explain how do you keep your cool when clients and senior-level executives are simultaneously clamoring for your time and attention?

The response will reveal a lot about the candidate and whether he or she has a realistic outlook on what a pressure cooker PR can be and how the candidate approaches time management.

9 :: Explain me what things public relation specialist should know?

☛ Public relations specialist must be aware of the newspaper or websites that enable you to reach your target demographic most effectively
☛ And public relations specialist should have experience with both old and new media

10 :: Tell me what is Pitch letter?

Usually, a press release is written in the third person while a pitch letter is directly addressed to journalist. It starts with a striking opening that alerts journalist to take immediate interest in the topic.
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