HIV Consultant Interview Preparation Guide

Prepare comprehensively for your HIV Consultant interview with our extensive list of 84 questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in HIV Consultant. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Get the free PDF download to access all 84 questions and excel in your HIV Consultant interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.
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84 HIV Consultant Questions and Answers:

1 :: Tell us can I get a vaccine to prevent HIV infection or AIDS?

No. There is no vaccine to prevent HIV infection. Researchers are working to develop a vaccine. Vaccines in development are being tested to ind out if they work.
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2 :: Do you know where can we find updated statistics on HIV and AIDS?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) posts statistics about HIV and AIDS in the United States on its website: The CDC website is also available in Spanish at Or you can call the CDC toll-free at 1-800-342-2437 (English) or 1-800-344-7432 (Spanish) to request information.

Global HIV/AIDS statistics are available from UNAIDS at and from the World Health Organization at

Statistics about HIV and AIDS in New York State are listed on the State Department of Health website:

3 :: Tell me how is HIV spread during injection drug use?

Any time you share injection equipment with someone who has HIV or whose HIV status you do not know, there is a high risk that you will get HIV. Small amounts of blood from a person infected with HIV may stay in the needles, syringes, or drug “works” (spoons, bottle caps, and cotton) and can be injected into the bloodstream of the next person who uses the equipment

4 :: Tell me how is HIV spread during oral sex?

Although oral sex is less risky than anal or vaginal sex, it is possible to get HIV by performing oral sex on an HIV-infected partner. HIV transmission could potentially occur if blood, pre-ejaculation luid, semen, or vaginal luids enter open sores

or cuts in or around the mouth, such as those caused by canker sores or blisters, vigorous teeth brushing or lossing, or some form of trauma. Using a latex barrier, like a condom or dental dam, reduces your risk of HIV infection

5 :: Explain me are women who have sex with women at risk for HIV infection?

Woman-to-woman sexual transmission of HIV is rare, but it is possible. Women who have sex with women are at risk for HIV infection if they share needles to inject drugs or if they have unprotected sexual contact that results in blood-to-blood exposure. Women who have sex with women can reduce their risk of getting HIV by:

• not injecting drugs, or by not sharing needles, syringes, or works if they do use drugs; and

• using a dental dam (a thin, square piece of latex), a non-lubricated condom that is cut open, or a plastic wrap as a barrier during oral sex. HIV transmission could potentially occur if vaginal secretions or menstrual blood enters open sores or cuts in or around the mouth, such as those caused by canker sores or blisters, vigorous teeth brushing or lossing, or some form of trauma. This could allow for the exchange of potentially infected blood or body luids.
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6 :: Tell me can I get HIV from kissing?

No one has ever gotten HIV through casual kissing, such as between parents and children. It is possible, but extremely unlikely, for HIV to be passed during “deep kissing.” There has been just one reported case of this kind: a woman became infected through deep kissing with a man with AIDS whose gums often bled after brushing and lossing his teeth; after this activity, the couple often engaged in deep kissing and protected sex. Although HIV transmission most likely occurred during deep kissing, it was probably the blood in the man’s mouth, not his saliva, which transmitted HIV. Both the man and the woman had gum disease that may also have contributed to the woman becoming infected. It is important to note that in this situation, HIV is not passed through saliva, but rather through direct blood-to-blood contact.

7 :: Explain me is there a test for HIV infection?

Yes. There are a number of tests that detect either antibodies to HIV or HIV itself.

Your body produces antibodies to ight germs. People who are infected with HIV have HIV antibodies in their body luids. There are two kinds of HIV antibody tests available in New York State: a blood test and an oral test.

For adults and children age 18 months or older, both types of HIV antibody test are more than 99% accurate in determining whether a person is infected.

8 :: Tell me should I wait for symptoms to appear before getting tested?

No. If you think that you may have been exposed to HIV, you should get tested as soon as possible. You may have HIV and have no symptoms for many years. The sooner that HIV infection is detected, the sooner medical care can begin, which helps people with HIV stay healthier and live longer. In most cases, the immune system will stay healthier for a longer period of time if treatment starts before a person has symptoms.

9 :: Explain what would you bring to the practice?

The interviewer isn’t going to be impressed with false promises. Highlight what you are good at without sounding overly boastful. Possible answer: “I would bring a solid work ethic to the practice, a desire to be part of the team and the ability to provide quality care.”

10 :: Tell us what are your goals and objectives?

Think of this question in terms of what the interviewer wants to hear. Try to phrase your goals and objectives to be in alignment with the position for which you are interviewing. Possible answer: “I want to build a solid practice, provide consistent quality care for my patients and be part of the team.”
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