Guidance Counselor Interview Preparation Guide

Elevate your Guidance Counselor interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 21 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Guidance Counselor interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Access the free PDF to get all 21 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Guidance Counselor interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

21 Guidance Counselor Questions and Answers:

1 :: Tell me Why Do You Feel You Are Ready to Be a Guidance Counselor?

Many people would answer a question like this with some information about their education and credentials, and while this is acceptable, it should be followed up with a bit of more personal information. You should take some time before your interview to reflect upon this so that you can provide your interviewer with an answer that is meaningful. For instance, you can provide some information about a particularly difficult case, whether you actively participated in the case or observed as part of your training. Similarly, you could provide information about a personal experience, particularly if you or one of your own children was helped by a guidance counselor in the past.
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2 :: What personal characteristics do you possess that would enhance your work as a counselor?

What to look for in the applicant's response:
► Proactive
► Outgoing/Initiates interactions with students
► Systemic thinking to support school-wide success strategies

3 :: Explain What Would You Do if a Student Reported He Was Abused by a Teacher?

Part of your role as a guidance counselor is ensuring proper relationships between students and teachers. As such, at some point during your career, you may be faced with a particularly difficult and personal issue. Be sure to take your time when answering such a question; a quick response indicates that you will not take the time to think the situation through. "I would first review the school's policy for handling such issues" followed by your methods for implementing the policy is always the best answer.

4 :: If you are assigned to a school with many challenges, what are some programs you would start to help improve the school climate?

What to look for in the applicant's response:
► Nothing at first - observe school & analyze current data to determine types of challenges at particular school, then choose or develop program based on school's needs
► ► College preparation curriculum
► ► PBS - Positive Behavioral Support
► ► Olweus Bullyproofing
► ► Intentional School Culture
► ► Parent Teacher Association

5 :: Tell me Do You Work Well with Others?

This is an important question because you will be required to work directly with other personnel in order to meet the needs of individual students. For example, if a high school student is struggling academically in algebra, the counselor's job is to not only to assist the student in securing a tutor, but also to speak with the algebra teacher so that a learning plan can be developed. An answer such as "I understand the importance of ensuring that everyone works together in order to meet the needs of students. I feel that my communication skills and my ability to think objectively allow me to work well with others to meet goals" is a great choice.
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6 :: How would you deal with a parent who is upset with his/her student's progress in class?

What to look for in the applicant's response:
► Empathize with parent (diffuse)
► Ask parent what he/she has already done to support student's progress
► Offer to set up SIT or parent-teacher(s)-student-counselor meeting
► Ask about any possible underlying issues for student
► Re-enforce appropriate strategies that parent has tried

7 :: Tell us How Would You Handle a Particularly Disruptive Student?

In some cases, you may be asked to meet with students if they have behavioral issues or if they are overly disruptive. Your superiors will need to know that you can work with these students and help them solve their behavioral problems. "I would attempt to find the root cause of the problem, whether it is an issue at home or perhaps an issue with one or more students at school. Then, I would work with the student to find the best way to resolve the situation" is a good answer, but you should be sure to elaborate further based upon the school's policies and the interviewer's exact question.

8 :: Foundation of Comprehensive School Counseling Program Interview Questions:

► How does a comprehensive school counseling program support the school's academic mission?
► What is your school counseling/educational philosophy?
► What is the counseling theory or approach that you most closely follow?
► What is your experience with implementation of the school counseling core curriculum?
► How would you approach individual student planning?
► How do you develop a positive relationship with students in individual counseling? Small group counseling?
► How would you handle a large group of students having attendance problems?
► What experiences have you had with developing transition plans?
► Describe how you would implement small group counseling/classroom lessons?
► What might your professional development plan look like?

9 :: Basic Guidance Counselor Interview Questions:

► What is your education and experience that qualifies you for this position?
► What personal characteristics do you possess that would enhance your work as a counselor?
► What is the role of the school counselor in a Comprehensive Competency Based Guidance program?
► What is your understanding of classroom guidance and how would you work with a classroom teacher?
► What is the counselor's role in student academic achievement?
► How does Comprehensive Competency Based Guidance directly effect/relate to student achievement?
► How would your present or previous employer describe you in terms of effectiveness as a counselor/teacher/employee?
► If you are assigned to a school with many challenges, what are some programs you would start to help improve the school climate?
► A teacher comes to you concerning a child with the following behaviors: aggression; poor peer relations; inattention to learning; will not accept adult authority or responsibility for behavior. Overall, how would you handle this situation?
► How would you deal with a parent who is upset with his/her student's progress in class?
► What is a counselor's agreement and how would you use it to implement a Comprehensive Competency Based Guidance program?
► How do you see the word "leader" fitting in to your role as a counselor?
► What is the counseling theory that you most closely follow?
► What is the most creative and innovative counseling technique you have used?
► How would you divide your time between meeting the immediate needs of the students and keeping up with the paperwork?
► How will you evaluate your programs to meet (a) current state standards; (b) standards of best practice for a comprehensive guidance and counseling program; and (c) the National School Counseling Standards per the American School Counselor Association?
► How would you handle an irate parent?
► How would you handle a passive (perhaps irresponsible) parent?
► How would you handle a large group of students having attendance problems?
► How do you see yourself fitting in with counselors who have many years experience as veteran teachers?
► How would you fit in with a large staff?
► What is your strongest asset?
► What do you think is the most important characteristic of a counselor?
► What do you see as the role of a counselor in a school this large?
► What preconceptions do you have of our school?
► What have you heard about our school?
► What makes you want to work at ______ School?

10 :: School Counselor Role Specific Interview Questions:

► What do you see as the main role of a school counselor?
► Have you implemented any components of the ASCA National Model for School Counseling?
► What do you think is the most important characteristic of a school counselor?
► When considering school counseling ethical standards and school policies, how would you handle a conflict between the two?
► What do you think the role of the school counselor is in preventing school violence?
► What can you provide that is different from a social worker, school psychologist, or mental health counselor?
► What is the difference between a therapist and a school counselor?
► What does your future comprehensive school counseling program look like? What is your plan for achieving this?
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