Event Planner Interview Questions And Answers
Optimize your Event Planner interview preparation with our curated set of 63 questions. Our questions cover a wide range of topics in Event Planner to ensure you're well-prepared. Whether you're new to the field or have years of experience, these questions are designed to help you succeed. Download the free PDF now to get all 63 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your Event Planner interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.
63 Event Planner Questions and Answers:
Event Planner Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

1 :: What was the most successful event you've planned in the past?
I single-handed coordinated the Coats for Kids drive for 2013. Without a committee and very few volunteers. I planned it, I marketed it, I married it. I feel it was so successful because I constantly thought about my clients (the kids). I wanted to make sure that my efforts and planning ensured that they got the best result.
Read More2 :: What was the most challenging event you've planned in the past?
Planning HF for BHGH was a big challenge because an event like it had never been done by this organization and there was no budget. Therefore, we had to get absolutely everything donated, we had to manage volunteers, and we had to trust that the vendors who said they would donate their services and time held their commitment. Although a challenge, we involved over 17 different local businesses who donated their time, money and/or products.
Read More3 :: Suppose If you were hired, when could you start?
Right away. This is an opportunity and company I am excited to get started with.
Read More4 :: How well do you manage your time?
Time management is an important part of my daily life. I am familiar with calendar programs and applications, and I make sure that I clearly note deadlines and appointments. In addition, I make sure to plan ample time to complete tasks, guaranteeing that I am not overbooked.
Read More5 :: What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
It goes without saying that the strengths you mention must be job specific, however the weakness part is difficult. You can dodge the question by mentioning a weakness that could prove to be an asset in the specific field. Sample answer follows
Read More6 :: What types of clientele have you managed events for?
I have had the opportunity to manage both corporate clients and private ones so I have managed meetings, conferences, weddings, parties and even racing events!
Read More7 :: Are you available to work long hours?
Because most events are on weekends and evenings, I anticipate that I will need to be available to work during odd hours. I also understand that some events can require extensive time to set up, run and clean up. While this can be demanding, I am passionate about the job and willing to be available.
Read More8 :: What point in your career did you decide you wanted to be an event planner?
When I was fourteen, I planned my own birthday party with my sister. I realized I liked planning the party, and although hard work the final result gave me satisfaction. I realized I would like to make other people happy by planning a successful event.
Read More9 :: What would you do if the DJ is 2 hour late and has not shown up or answers his phone?
First of all, I would never wait for 2 hours to pass before I started looking for a back up. If the DJ was 10 minutes late I would already be trying to get into contact with him and if I couldn't reach him I would already be working on a back up plan just in case it turns out that he doen't show. You should always have a generic background music track available just in case. Even if your DJ shows up, there is no guarantee that he won't experien
Read More10 :: Tell me about one bad experience you've had, preferably something catastrophic, how did you handle it? Was the event still a success?
Because vendors at HF donated their time and services, we could not guarantee their commitment. One vendor, the face painter, canceled 30 minutes before start time. In order to avoid false advertising, I purchased a face painting kit from a local craft store and found a volunteer to paint guests instead. It worked great.
Read More11 :: What was your most difficult event promoting? What made it difficult?
The most difficult event promoting for me was a Carnival that was set for the town. What made it difficult was the lack of sponsorship money from local businesses, especially during these economic trying times. Therefore, our promoting was limited to basically free advertising.
Read More12 :: Tell me about a work situation that required a creative solution?
I had reserved a suite for a guest checking into a hotel I worked out. I got to work on the day he was supposed to arrive and say the suite had been given away and I just got a sick filling because we had talked several times to make sure everything was set up because he wanted his family to be able to stay in the same room. So what I did instead was give him two connecting rooms, so that the kids could their own room and the adults having theirs.
Read More13 :: How good are your listening skills? How do you know?
I believe my listening skills are good. I always make it a habit of writing everything down so I don't have to worry about whether or not I remembered what you asked.
Read More14 :: What are the typical responsibilities of an event coordinator?
An event coordinator is pretty much responsible for all major and minor aspects of the event. S/he is responsible for understanding client requirements, translating the same into an event plan, negotiating with vendors to attain prices that fall within budget and ensuring the event is managed tactfully, each chunk being completed timely.
Read More15 :: What would you like to learn about our company and this job?
It always helps to prepare a list of questions that you want to ask your prospective employer. Not only does this give you useful insights, but it's a great opportunity to show your enthusiasm about the job and company. Even if this question doesn't come up in your interview, our experience shows that most employers are more than happy to answer a reasonable number of questions. In the worst case, you may be out of time and don't get to ask questions, but it never hurts to ask.
Read More16 :: How would you describe your work style?
Work Hard, Play Hard. I love to get the job done and do it right. Meeting deadlines, successfully completing tasks and give the task at hand my dedication is important; but you have have time to have fun, enjoy what you are doing and the people you are working with. If you dont love what you do then its harder to stay motivated.
Read More17 :: What does DDR stand for? What is typically included in a DDR?
DDR stands for day delegate rate," is, of course, the basic answer you would expect, while hearing your candidate go on to say things like "it is often the most cost effective way of booking hotels or venues for event planners as it is a per person cost" could mean bonus points.
Questions such as 'what is typically included in a DDR?' also give the candidate the chance to show their general understanding of professional event organisation, as there is no simple yes and no answer, but listing things such as room hire, water, buffet lunch, car parking, wi-fi connection and so on would show that they have dealt with such venues before, or could at least use their initiative to think about what a venue might be expected to include as part of its conference facilities.
Read MoreQuestions such as 'what is typically included in a DDR?' also give the candidate the chance to show their general understanding of professional event organisation, as there is no simple yes and no answer, but listing things such as room hire, water, buffet lunch, car parking, wi-fi connection and so on would show that they have dealt with such venues before, or could at least use their initiative to think about what a venue might be expected to include as part of its conference facilities.
18 :: Suppose If you had to describe yourself as detail-oriented or big-picture oriented, which would you choose? Why?
I would say a little of both. In order to get the big picture I need to focus on the details, but I try not to over examine things and keep in mind the main goal and big picture.
Read More19 :: Give me five of your favorite venues in X, Y or Z and tell me why?
This is the sort of question which can really help you whittle down those early applicants. "I like the Apollo in Manchester because the sloped floor makes me feel drunker and it's close enough to my house to mean I don't have to pay for taxis," is the sort of answer which might suggest they are looking at events from the wrong perspective. Saying something more like, "Colston Hall in Bristol really has the wow factor for visitors since its £20m refurbishment, while the spaces are bright and airy, parking and accessibility are great and the staff make sure everything is streamlined and runs smoothly for event planners," however, might suggest you have somebody more suitable on your hands.
Read More20 :: What brings out the most excitement for you in event planning?
In the planning of the event itself, I'd say that I'm pretty excited throughout the whole process, but more when I am talking and coordinating with all of the vendors who will be making it happe, I envision it in my head and hope that it comes out as glamorous as I think it will be.
Read More21 :: What is IS020121? What does it do, how does it work?
The formal adoption of 2007's British Standard for sustainable event management on a worldwide scale as the International Standard ISO20121 last year was one of the biggest news stories for the events industry in 2012, so you would expect anyone already involved in events planning to have picked up on it. Even if you're interviewing for starter roles, somebody who has done some basic research in advance of a job application or an aspiring events professional who has kept abreast of developments in their preferred career of choice, really should have picked up on this key change, which kicked in just in time for last year's biggest event, the 2012 Games.
Read More22 :: Tell me about your Event Planning experience and how you work with the planning committee of an event?
My experience in event planning happened over time through a destination restaurant. We were looking for different ideas to impove our bottom line. We offered a panoramic view of the intracoastal and we decided to start working hotels and sending out e-mail blasts to start booking rehearsal dinners, weddings and any everything in between. I discovered I had a flair for decorating, networking with the community to really wanting to do this full time. I have worked with the local chamber and woman's club in various positions on committees and they keep asking me to come back because I get results in what I am assigned to do and that I am a great team player that is reliable.
Read More23 :: What are the most important skills that an event planner needs to possess?
While creativity and style are important skills to possess, it is even more important for a planner to demonstrate strong time management and organizational skills, ensuring that tasks are completed on time. In addition, it is important to be able to quickly handle unanticipated circumstances while remaining calm.
Read More24 :: What are some of the challenges you think are part of this work?
Meeting deadlines and keeping clients happy!
Read More25 :: What Staff Do You Have?
Events require people to work on sales, promotions, finance, logistics, contract negotiation, site selection, marketing and other facets of securing, creating, managing and evaluating events. Ask about the different departments or employees the company has, where you might fit in and where you would advance as you stay with the company.
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