Unix Socket Programming Question:
Where can a get a library for programming sockets?
There is the Simple Sockets Library by Charles E. Campbell, Jr. PhD. and Terry McRoberts. The file is called ssl.tar.gz, and you can download it from this faq's home page. For c++ there is the Socket++ library which is on ftp://ftp.virginia.edu/pub/socket++-1.10.tar.gz. There is also C++ Wrappers. The file is called ftp://ftp.huji.ac.il/pub/languages/C++/. Thanks to Bill McKinnon for tracking it down for me! From http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt you should be able to find the ACE toolkit. PING Software Group has some libraries that include a sockets interface among other things. You can find them at http://love.geology.yale.edu/~markl/ping.
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