Consultant Question:

What's your greatest weaknesses?


This is such a hated question, but it's not hard to answer. Don't do what so many try to do - share about a not very weak weakness, such as "I have an issue with coming up with too many great ideas." Ummm…yeah - lame!

Your interviewer is trying to see not "if" you have weaknesses, but "how" you handle them and what are you doing to manage a negative effect - so it's not THEIR problem. Do you have a plan in place whereby you are improving in your weak area? How do you receive constructive criticism? As a consultant, you'll receive excessive feedback - from peers, managers, those that report to you - and frequently (3-6 mini-reviews per year, 2 formal reviews). You should be eating weaknesses for lunch - not trying to hide them. After all, that's how you will grow.

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