Sort And Searching Question:

What is bubble sort algorithm?

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Answer #1Bubble sort algorithm is used for sorting a list. It makes use of a temporary variable for swapping. It compares two numbers at a time and swaps them if they are in wrong order. This process is repeated until no swapping is needed. The algorithm is very inefficient if the list is long.

E.g. List: - 7 4 5 3
1. 7 and 4 are compared

2. Since 4 < 7, 4 is stored in a temporary variable.

3. the content of 7 is now stored in the variable which was holding 4

4. Now, the content of temporary variable and the variable previously holding 7 are swapped.

Answer #2In Bubble sort, we compare two adjacent elements of an array and swap them if they are not in correct order.
Time complexity of Bubble sort is O(n^2), so it is not efficient for large arrays.

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