Office Girl Question:

What are your weaknesses as Day Girl?


This question is tricky for everyone. If you've done your research, you know what weaknesses would be unacceptable in the job, and you probably haven't made it to the interview stage if you have those weaknesses.

Don't be dishonest and don't make up something that you think sounds good. Don't respond with a joke (that's just evading the question).

Don't discuss topics that are personal in nature (like having a messy kitchen at home).

Don't be surprised by or unprepared for this question. It may be asked in other ways, such as "What would your greatest challenge be if you were in this job?"

In the best circumstance, the employer is asking this question to discern your self-awareness. We all have strengths and weaknesses.

There are a few strategies you can use to prepare:

1. Identify a weakness that you are working to correct and talk about how you are doing this.

2. Identify a weaknesses that is not relevant to the job.

3. Show how you seek out and work well with others who have strengths in your areas of weakness.

4. Use your knowledge of your personality, showing both sides of the coin (pros and cons) making sure this is a match for the job. For example, if you have an introversion preference, AND the job requires solitary work, you can explain that you are energized by solitary work and have the stamina for it, while you may feel less energy from long periods of time working with customers (and obviously you would not say this if interviewing for a job that required long hours of customer contact). Balance that by explaining that you are always well-prepared for customer contacts, due to your workstyle and personality.

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