MATLAB Question:

What are the Basic Plots and Graphs of MATLAB?


Following table describes basic plots and graphs.

► Box - Axis border
► Errorbar - Plots error bars along curve
► Hold - Retains current graph while adding new graphs
► Line - Creates line object
► LineSpec (Line Specification) - Syntax of Line Specification String
► Loglog - Log to log scale plot
► Plot - 2-D line plot
► Plot3 - 3-D line plot
► Plotyy - 2-D line plots with y-axis on both left and right side
► Polar - Polar coordinate plot
► Semilogx - Semilogarithmic plot
► Semilogy- Semilogarithmic plot
► Subplot- Creates axis in tiled positions
► Xlim - Sets or queries x-axis limits
► Ylim - Sets or queries y-axis limits
► Zlim - Sets or queries z-axis limits

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