Basic and Advance CSS Examples and Concepts Question:

What Is the Basic Unit of CSS?


The basic unit of CSS is a definition of a style property for a selected HTML tag written in the following syntax:

html_tag_name {style_property_name: style_property_value}

For example:

/* set background color to black for the <BODY> tag */
BODY {background-color: black}

/* set font size to 16pt for the <H1> tag */
H1 {font-size: 16pt}

/* set left margin to 0.5 inch for the <BLOCKQUOTE> tag */
BLOCKQUOTE {margin-left: 0.5in}

How Many Ways to Attach CSS to HTML Documents?

There are 3 ways to attach CSS to HTML documents:

► Included in the STYLE attribute of HTML tags.
► Included in the STYLE tag inside the HEAD tag.
► Included in an external file and specify it in the LINK tag inside the HEAD tag.

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What Is CSS (Cascading Style Sheets)?How To Include CSS Inside a HTML Tag?