Bus Driver Question:

Top Bus Driver Job Interview Questions:


☛ What types of defensive driving techniques do you use?
☛ How would you handle a situation on your bus in which a student attempted to or did physically harm you or another student?
☛ If I were to ask your previous employer about how many days you missed over the last year, what would he say?
☛ If a fight breaks out while in route to school, how would you handle the situation?
☛ How do you plan to adapt to many different bus routes?
☛ Tell me about your experience operating a large vehicle.
☛ What would your last employer say about your reliability?
☛ If a kid throws up, while in route to school, how would you handle the situation?
☛ If an older student kicks a younger student out of a seat, how would you handle this situation?
☛ A person you do not know comes to your bus to pick up a kindergarten student. The student does not seem to know them. What would you do?
☛ Do you have any driver certifications?
☛ Are you willing to work as a substitute driver in all areas of the district?
☛ A student changes seats several times. You have asked him to sit still without success. What would be your response?
☛ You have entered a busy intersection and a passenger vehicle cuts in front of you. What would be your response?
☛ What measures will you ensure to keep children safe?
☛ Driving a school bus requires arriving at the bus depot at 6 AM. Will this work for you?
☛ If a kid continues to throw a paper airplane at you while in route to school, how would you handle the situation?
☛ What do you think would be the most rewarding aspect of driving a school bus?
☛ What are some skills that make you a better school bus driver?
☛ Tell me about your driver training.
☛ How well do you control your temper?
☛ Why do you want to be a school bus driver?
☛ How do you make sure scheduled stops are on time?
☛ If I were to ask your previous employer, about how many days you missed, what would he or she say?
☛ Is there anything we should be aware of that may come up on your criminal background check?
☛ Are you available to work extra shifts, like sporting events and field trips?
☛ Is there anything you would like to add about yourself that you feel we should know when considering you for this position?
☛ How do you handle conflict?
☛ In the event of a serious accident, what procedure would you follow?
☛ Tell me about your driving experience.
☛ Why are you the best candidate for us?
☛ Are you experienced in using a CB radio to communicate with the school and other bus drivers?

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