HR Business Partner Question:

Tell us are you willing to relocate as HR Business Partner?


Given that Wipro serves clients in 175+ cities across 6 continents, it's very likely you will be asked whether you have a location preference or are willing to work anywhere in India.
You have two options - you can either say you are definitely willing to relocate, which shows that you'll do whatever is necessary to be a part of the company and team. Or, given that relocating is a major life change, you can go with a carefully worded 'maybe'. For e.g., you could say, 'I would love to continue my career in this city, but this position is a great opportunity for me. If relocation is required, I would definitely consider it.’

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Explain me why was there a gap in your employment between [insert date] and [insert date]?Please explain a difficult experience you had with an employer/manager/coworker and how you handled it?