Family Lawyer Question:

Skills based Family Lawyer Job Interview Questions:


☛ Did you bring a sample of your work product?
☛ Can you provide a writing sample?
☛ Have you had a legal research assignment?
☛ Do you know how to use LEXIS-NEXIS or Westlaw?
☛ Are you familiar with federal and state laws?
☛ What specialty are you seeking?
☛ Do you speak any foreign languages?
☛ How would you rate your cite-checking abilities?
☛ Tell me about your computer skills.
☛ Tell me about your analytical skills. Please give an example.
☛ How extensive are your factual investigation skills?
☛ Have you ever interviewed a witness?
☛ Can you put together closing binders? Trial binders? Exhibits?
☛ Have you ever summarized a deposition?
☛ Have you ever drafted pleadings?
☛ Have you ever attended trial?
☛ What do you know about the SEC?
☛ How would you prepare for a real estate closing?
☛ Can you prepare subpoenas? Notices of depositions?
☛ Tell me about the judicial system.
☛ Have you ever coded documents?
☛ Tell me about your organizational skills.
☛ How much experience do you have interfacing with clients?
☛ What are your crisis-management skills? Please give me an example.
☛ Describe your worst assignment and how to prevent it, if you could, today.
☛ Describe an assignment where you were the hero.
☛ Do you know your way around the courthouse?
☛ What do you know about imaging and scanning?
☛ Have you ever formed a corporation?
☛ Do you have any experience working with government agencies?
☛ What do you know about CERCLA?
☛ Have you ever worked on the case/matter? (Checking for conflict of interest.)
☛ To what extent have you been exposed to mergers and acquisitions?
☛ Have you ever worked with Blue Sky laws?
☛ Have you ever Bates-stamped? No? Have we got a surprise for you.
☛ How are punitive damages awarded?
☛ How do you prepare jury instructions?
☛ Have you ever prepared a lease summary?
☛ Have you been to/studied Family Court?
☛ Are you familiar with products liability litigation?
☛ Describe how a trademark is registered.
☛ Describe the patent registration process.
☛ What is the procedure to file a copyright?
☛ Give me an example of your organizational abilities.
☛ Describe the differences between Chapters 7, 11, and 13.
☛ What skills do you possess to be a great paralegal?
☛ Why have you chosen corporate law over litigation?
☛ Why are you seeking a position with an in-house legal department?
☛ What is the difference between arbitration and mediation?
☛ What practice area most interests you and why?
☛ What are your strengths?
☛ What are your weaknesses?
☛ How do you handle last-minute projects?

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