Biztalk Functoid Question:

Schemas & Maps Biztalk Functoid Interview Questions:


☛ 1. What are the different Types of Schemas ?
☛ 2. What is an Envelope Schema ?
☛ 3. What is a property schema ?
☛ 4. How property Schema differs from Others ?
☛ 5. How do you validate the incoming message against a particular Schemas ?
☛ 6. What are the ways to reuse Schemas ?
☛ 7. What is the difference between Importing and Including a Schema ?
☛ 8. What is a Canonical Schema ?
☛ 9. What is a Context Property ?
☛ 10. Are all Context Properties promoted ?
☛ 11. What happens if promoted property is not filled ? Will an exception be thrown.
☛ 12. What is the difference between Message Context Property Base and Message Data Property Base in Property Schema ?
☛ 13. How can you deploy 2 schemas side by side ?
☛ 14. Difference between Value Mapping and Value Mapping Flattening Functiods.
☛ 15. What is Auto Mapping Feature ?
☛ 16. Database Functoids.
☛ 17. Table Looping Functoids.
☛ 18. Cross Reference Functoids.
☛ 19. Difference between Value and ID Cross Reference Functoids ?
☛ 20. What is Part Context Property Base ?
☛ 21. Are Message Context Property Base Elements Promoted ? (No)
☛ 22. Can we have multiple versions of Schema within a pipeline ?
☛ 23. Difference between Index and Iteration Functoid ?
☛ 24. How do you call an external assembly from Map ?

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