Payroll Management Question:

Sample Payroll Management interview questions part 3:


★ What do you know about the Payroll…position?
★ What have you done to improve your Payroll knowledge in the last year?
★ What have you learned from mistakes on the Payroll job?
★ What was the most complicated payroll you are responsible for?
★ State the payroll principles and standards defined to work and maintain an organization's payroll system.
★ Name the payroll software you can access? Do you have knowledge of some accounting software as well?
★ What's your experience level with Microsoft Excel and access?
★ Tell me about the most complicated report you have to prepare related to personnel. For example, over time, these, headcount, retirement contribution and so on.
★ Payroll is run every two weeks, which means a lot of pressure to meet the deadline. When have you had to work under pressure?
★ What are some of the most important reports you have written? How difficult were they to write? Why? What reactions did they get?

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