Humanitarian Affair Officer Question:

Managerial and Supervisory Skills Based Humanitarian Affairs Officer Interview Questions:


► Tell me about the 2 or 3 biggest problems you have encountered in your work, and how you handled them.
► What would you say are your 3 major strengths? How will these strengths help you in this position?
► What would you say are your principal weaknesses or shortcomings? How might these interfere with your success in this position? How might you overcome them?
► What was the most creative or original contribution you made to your last organization?
► Could you describe a few situations in which your work was criticized? How did you handle that?
► What skills or abilities do you possess which have not yet been used in your career?
► How skillful are you at [insert a major function to be performed]? Describe a situation where you needed that skill.
► How skillful are you at [insert a major function to be performed]? Where have you used that skill in the past?
► How many people were in the largest group that you have supervised? What kinds of positions were involved?
► What has been the hardest thing you have ever had to do as a manager? How did you approach that?
► As a manager, what do you look for when you are selecting people for your team?
► Describe a situation where you had to deal with a poor performer. How did you handle that?
► Tell me about your approach to motivating employees.
► If you had a general morale problem among your subordinates, what would you do about it?
► How would you set about building an effective work team in your branch/department?
► If you had to choose between retaining a poor performer and operating with a short-staffing situation, which would you choose?
► What would you do if you discovered an employee taking illegal drugs or drinking on the job?
► What would you do if you suspected that two of your unmarried employees have an intimate relationship? How would your approach be different if you had proof of such a relationship?
► What would you do if you suspected that two of your married employees are having an extramarital affair? How would your approach be different if you had proof of the affair?
► How would you respond if a subordinate asked you directly about an organization change/downsizing that had not yet been announced?
► What would you do if you suspected, but could not prove, that a subordinate was selling the organization's property for personal gain? How would your approach be different if you had proof?
► What would you do if you suspected that an employee was conveying sensitive information to an outside party/the media/a competing organization?
► What would you do if you suspected that an employee was selling member contact information to someone compiling mailing lists?
► What would you do if you discovered that a group of employees was having discussions with a union organizer?
► What would you do if two of your subordinates refused to co-operate with each other?
► What would you do if an subordinate was charged with a criminal offence?
► What would you do if a subordinate accused another employee of sexual harassment?
► What would you do if another manager's subordinate came to you with a serious complaint about her manager?
► What would you do about an employee who is chronically late for work?
► What would you do about an employee who exhibits excessive absenteeism?
► What would you do about an employee who appears to be padding her out-of-pocket expenses?
► What would you do about an employee who spoke abusively to a customer?
► How would you convince employees to reduce unnecessary waste and costs?
► What do you think would affect productivity levels in an operation like this?
► If you had to choose between satisfying a [client/customer/member] and following policy, which would you choose?
► Tell me how you would expect to spend your time in a typical day in this position?

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