WordPress Support Officer Question:

How yuo can create plugin for wordpress?


Answer #1
go to wp-content ->plugin->make a folder rahul
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'my_first_menu' );

function my_first_menu(){
add_menu_page( 'Browser Title', 'Menu Title', 'manage_options', 'rahul/myplugin-admin.php', '', plugins_url( 'rahul/images/logo.png' ), 6 );

Answer #2
Go to wp_content->plugin->folder name(rhaul)
and create a file name myplugin-admin.php (you can choose any name)
add_action( 'admin_menu', 'my_first_menu' );

function my_first_menu(){
add_menu_page( 'Browser Title', 'Menu Title', 'manage_options', 'rahul/myplugin-admin.php', '', plugins_url( 'rahul/images/logo.png' ), 6 );

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