Pay Raise Question:

How would you make sure that you have a leverage?


Getting a pay raise in most industries is hard to achieve unless you have some leverage. Leverage can consist of such things as getting another job offer performing above and beyond your job description consistently, effectively, and regularly.
☛ If you are a star employee, a good company will often be able to find a bit extra to keep you satisfied. Be aware that it is a fairly standard tactic to tell you that the business is already over its annual budget, to try and deter you from asking. This means that you need to know your worth as assessed against objective criteria (see below) and be persistent.
☛ If you have already negotiated a pay deal with your boss, it may be harder to ask for more. Your boss assumes you are happy with the amount you're getting and isn't not likely to be favorably disposed to adding more financial burden to the company without good reason.
☛ Be careful about using another job offer as leverage. Your boss may call you on it, it is important to really have such a job offer and be willing to take it if you are rebuffed by your boss. Be ready to walk that plank.

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