Basic JavaScript Question:

How to add Buttons in JavaScript?


The most basic and ancient use of buttons are the " submit" and " clear" , which appear slightly before the Pleistocene period. Notice when the " GO!" button is pressed it submits itself to itself and appends the name in the URL.
< form action=" " name=" buttonsGalore" method=" get" >
Your Name: < input type=" text" name=" mytext" />
< br />
< input type=" submit" value=" GO!" />
< input type=" reset" value=" Clear All" />
< /form>

Another useful approach is to set the " type" to " button" and use the " onclick" event.
< script type=" text/javascript" >
function displayHero(button) {
alert(" Your hero is " " +button.value+" " ." )
< /script>

< form action=" " name=" buttonsGalore" method=" get" >
< fieldset style=" margin: 1em text-align: center " >
< legend> Select a Hero< /legend>
< input type=" button" value=" Agamemnon" onclick=" displayHero(this)" />
< input type=" button" value=" Achilles" onclick=" displayHero(this)" />
< input type=" button" value=" Hector" onclick=" displayHero(this)" />
< div style=" height: 1em " />

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