Sybase Question:

How Can I Run the ASE Upgrade Manually?

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How to Run the ASE Upgrade Manually

This document describes the steps required to perform a manual upgrade for ASE from release 4.x or 10.0x to release 11.02. In most cases, however, you should use sybinit to perform the upgrade.


1. Use release 11.0x sybinit to run the pre-eligibility test and Check Reserved words. Make any necessary changes that are mentioned in the sybinit log. The sybinit log is located in $SYBASE/init/logs/logxxxx.yyy.
2. Use isql to connect to the 4.x or 10.0x ASE and do the following tasks:

a. Turn on option to allow updates to system tables:
1. sp_configure "allow updates", 1
2. go

b. Checkpoint all databases:
1. use "dbname"
2. go
1. checkpoint
2. go

c. Shutdown the 4.x or 10.0x ASE.
1. shutdown
2. go

3. Copy the interfaces file to the release 11.0x directory.
4. Set the environment variable SYBASE to the release 11.0x directory.
5. Copy the runserver file to the release 11.0x $SYBASE/install directory.
6. Edit the $SYBASE/install/RUN_SYBASE (runserver file) to change the path from the 4.x or 10.x dataserver directory to the new release 11.0x directory.
7. Start ASE using the new runserver file.

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